There was a boy, named Jack, who hung out with a group of friends from his neighborhood. They all did many things together, and Jack had a lot of fun doing them. For the most part, they did not do things to get into trouble, but that didn’t make them any less fun. His friends liked to kid each other, but it was something that they all did to each other, except Jack. He had always been kind…
It was the end of a long day. Most of my coworkers had gone home and the office was mostly quiet, except for my phone. My phone was ringing off the hook. It would ring, I would answer, “Hi, this is John”, and whoever it was would hang up. This was happening over and over again, and I was getting more than a little testy. I was trying to get some extra work done and I was there much…
I’ve been a busy beaver, and a tired one at that, but I’m not complaining. We’ve started a project at home: painting the living room. It turns out that one of Cheryl’s coworkers is a bad influence. Painting has always been something Cheryl wanted to do, but I’ve always been able to sidetrack her. Now, she spends all day with someone at work who has painted her house…
I would say that I love my computer, but that might be a little strong. I love my wife, my child, and my family. I don’t love my computer. I do have a really strong liking for my computer. Why? It’s different, and I like being different at times. People say that Windows is the standard, what most everyone else uses. It is what I have to use all day at work. It is what everyone talks…
When I watch a movie I consider “good”, I am moved. I am moved to believe I am capable of greater things. I am moved to believe that life has a greater meaning that we tend to take for granted. Afterwards, I sometimes feel emotionally spent. Other times I feel emotionally charged. But most of all, I come away from the movie somewhat changed since going in. Sure, the change is mostly…
The highlight of the week came on Saturday. I decided to do something bold. Yes, I decided to load OS X (10.2) on my four year old iMac sitting in our living room. No, you did not hear me wrong, I did it. Not all that interesting you say? Go read something else.
But wait, it gets better. The new OS has allowed us to venture into a realm that we’ve only dared to dream about until now: printer…