I was angry. I was working on my second case of the morning and things were not going well. But I don’t want to talk about that. Lets just say that it was about as frustrated as I’ve been on the job. What I want to talk about is my coworkers. Today was further proof that the folks I work with are a special bunch. Any time I’ve been down about work or down on myself about work, my…
There is a guy at my office that has been given the opportunity to have his own office. To this point in his career, he has almost exclusively shared an office with someone. He has confided that he thinks he may prefer sharing an office to working solo. This isn’t just talk. He’s been offered his own office on several occasions and every time he has turned it down. Now, everyone in his…
The volume of rain we have been getting has been approaching ridiculous levels. We went about six months with virtually no rain, and then this last week or so we get about a year’s worth all at once. Although we need the rain, it pains me to see so much of it fall all at once. It’s all going to waste. I stand outside on my front porch and watch a river of fresh water rushing off to the…
Anyone who has known me for any length of time (or has seen my house) knows that our family does not highly value non-human life. You tell me how long a plant can live without water and I’ll tell you how long it will last in my care. So it was with mixed feelings that the city made a contribution to the Kauffman Lawn Rehabilitation Project. The city recently finished installing a reclaimed…
Naturally, some of the more interesting discussions we have in the office have nothing to do with work. This week was no exception. We were discussing teachers involved in scandals and I recalled a teacher from my past that recently committed suicide due to an unflattering allegation. I recalled that this person was a very good teacher, pointing out the interesting year end project that our class…
You would think that Cheryl would know better.
I’m sitting in the dinning room after supper one evening. I can’t remember what we were talking about. For some reason unbeknownst to me, I mentioned the cost of some software that I would like to get some day. You may be thinking that this was some clandestine plot to plant seeds, but it really wasn’t. Cheryl responds: “why…
For all of you who yearn for the good old days of the former Soviet Union, happy May Day!
I was about to leave my greeting at that, but I feared that in doing so I may be showing off the vastness of my ignorance. So, not wishing to appear quite as dumb as I really am, I went off in search of knowledge. First, I tried doing a search on the internet. This led to the discovery of a number of sites…
This is my attempt to put creativity on a schedule. Odd you say, to force yourself to do something that you should enjoy? True, I enjoy my feeble attempts to create, but I find that I rarely have the time to do it. My thinking is that maybe if I make time for it then I will do it. O.K., maybe I’m not explaining myself well, but at this point I don’t care. No one is likely to read this…