Family and Friends

Big Bother is watching

Cheryl was complaining this morning. Before you rush to judgement – of me – for telling on Cheryl, let me say up front that I complain just as much as she does. Only, my complaining tends to be more whiney, grating, and down right irritating. But let us not talk about me, and instead focus on Cheryl – my intended target. (We’ll get to me shortly.) Cheryl was complaining…
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Family and Friends

Ass Mac

What would you do if your wife told you there were too many computers in the house? Could you bring yourself to get rid of a few? What if they were more than just computers… but Macs? So what if they’re just taking up space, or the bedroom is beginning to look like a storage shed. These little guys are members of the family. You don’t kick family out of the house when they stop…
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Family and Friends

Breakthrough on the Cheryl front

A few months ago Cheryl called the Honda dealership asking if they’d be willing to make a deal on a Civic Hybrid. “Nope,” they said, “those babies are selling themselves. We’re not making any deals on hybrids.” This weekend Cheryl got an email from the sales manager, telling her they’d knock $4k off the price. It’s actually tempting. Cheryl told us…
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Family and FriendsWellbeing

She's 38

I have a much longer post written (in my head) tentatively titled “state of the Kauffmans,” but it will have to wait until a time when it’s not past my bedtime. Until then, know that Cheryl’s recovery is going as planned, and she enjoyed a little get together with our parents to celebrate her birthday. (She was a little nervous about me wearing my Obama campaign shirt with…
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