Kitchen Sink

Little boy blue, come blow your horn

Last I spoke of work I made reference to being a little bored. Well I feel inclined now… in fact I’m sitting up straight… good posture and all. In the interest of propping up my image at large, I feel I must share a comment I received yesterday after my week in court concluded. A person who makes more money than me (but really, how many people does that exclude?), and who has no…
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Kitchen Sink

Stupid employer tricks

We moan and groan about the DVDs purchased for training material at work… with nary a player in sight. We wonder why an office automation tech could not be hired, at a modest salary, to better take advantage of the technology already paid for… gaining hundreds (if not thousands) of hours of productivity on the cheap. The fact is the world is filled with stupid people. Too often we take…
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No restraint

I’m not afraid to admit it; I’m in love with my PowerBook. I’m stuck in court with a Dell that does double duty as a piece of masonry and I can’t help but yearn for my magnificent Mac. Perhaps I was hasty comparing it to a rock… there’s enough plastic here to cause a spike in oil prices. The thing creaks more than my knees… to the point where I’m…
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Kitchen Sink

Hardly working

Live, from a courthouse near you, I’m bored out of my gourd. That’s right folks, me and my cold have taken our show on the road. I’ve taken this opportunity to read some of my own stuff, and I must say that I’m really disappointed (again). Time has made itself scarce (this morning not withstanding), and life has really gotten in the way of my hobbies. As a result, this blog…
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Current Events

The saber heard round the world

Unless you haven’t listened to the radio, watched TV, or just woke from a thousand year sleep at the kiss from a certain royal prince; you’ve probably heard that the world’s designated kook, Kim Jung-il, tested his first home-made atomic weapon last night (EDST – or this morning, Korean time). What surprised me most about the news is how little people were talking about it.
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Current EventsSports

Gators in the hunt

After watching another nerve wrenching college football game, I was in no condition to watch a hockey game. The Lightning were making their first home appearance of the season, so I couldn’t just ignore it. So I tuned in, against my better judgment. Then they went down two-zip in the first period, and I just had to turn the television off. It’s after midnight and I still don’t…
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One project falls by the wayside, another takes it’s place

The MySQL / Perl / UNIX / blog software tinker project has officially been abandoned. You may have noticed that the site was down one day last week… an unanticipated byproduct of my life shortening battle with my own inadequacies. Upholding the fine tradition of manhood the world over – after two weeks of futility I decided to go back and read the directions to the blog software update…
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Family and Friends

Lessons from the twentieth century

This morning Adam was angry about being abandoned by his mother. Cheryl and Beth snuck out early to hit Busch Gardens for a little mother daughter bonding. They left Adam in the clutches of the evil daddy, who had no desire for a return engagement with the full pull of Adam’s mass. Adam demanded to see his mommy and wasn’t going to do anything until he got his way, including eating…
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Family and Friends

Boy discovers strategic value of gravity

Yesterday my son and I were settling into our Friday evening routine, consisting of a daddy on the floor doing his best impression of a jungle gym. I was lying on the floor, when Adam decided to go old-school WWF on me. I didn’t know he could jump, let alone jump backwards, but facing the opposite direction he jumped backwards from a standing position, pulled his knees up and drove his but…
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Channel your inner geek

The more elements of the unknown a given project contains, the more your brain is begging for a bruising. I have a passing acquaintance with the Movable Type publishing platform – whose software powers this blog. I have less experience with MySQL, an open source database environment. I have even less experience with Perl, the programming language utilized by the Movable Type publishing…
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