Since I already don’t think very much of myself, it is easy to say that I’ve led my children into a genetic minefield. The latest blow-up occurred last night, about the time we had hoped to get to bed (early) for Adam’s surgery the next morning. Adam was wheezing. Ten quality minutes in the family car brought us to the local ER, where the parking lot was filled to capacity with…
In the context of a computer repair manual, a procedure is described as “pretty difficult,” you should pretty much assume that this procedure is not for you – unless you make a living doing this kind of thing.
I’ve cracked the case on a computer or two in my day, but I’m strictly a novice. That’s why I had no business pulling the innards out of my recently…
About 38 hours ago my wife wanted nothing to do with another old computer. In fact, I had to agree to dispose of my vintage, 1994 Macintosh Performa 577, to make room for my prized new addition to our little Mac Museum.
About 17 hours ago my wife walked into our family room and noticed the TV was on… on the computer screen. “How did you do that?” she asked. “Elementary, my…
Health insurance, billing departments, complaint resolution offices, and the automated phone answering system… horsemen of the apocalypse or God’s warning shot across the bow of today’s later day ark of bureaucracy and civilization?
All I know is that I don’t want to pay $800 for services that were supposed to be covered by my health insurance provider.
See if this sounds…
My wife thinks I’ve finally lost my mind. My wife’s friend since high school agrees. Me? My heart is pitter-pattering like freshman invited to the senior prom. I got my hands on a piece of Macintosh Lore… a genuine Twentieth Anniversary Mac.
To the average layperson the Twentieth Anniversary Mac (TAM) is nothing but an eight-year-old computer. Weighing in with a 250MHz, 603e PPC…
There is no way for me to describe what I thought of this movie without kind of giving it away. So, if you have any intentions of watching it… move along.
Scene: a thirty-something couple finishes watching a movie on cable. The wife gets up as the credits roll… the husband, unmoving, stays behind. The husband seems to be in a daze. He finds himself in an emotional wasteland. This is…
I was writing one of my former coworkers (and fellow sports enthusiast) today… and it struck me that I’ve been doing very little recreational writing lately (all that emailing at work is really sucking the joy out of those finger to key moments). I have therefore decided to share my keen football observations with the brave few who still visit – whoever and where ever you are.
I’m in the midst of an incredibly painfull software upgrade. A month’s worth of contemplation has not eased the process one bit.
We’ll be back as soon as I can fetch approximately 1000 entries (by the grace of my callused finger tips) from my backups.
(I didn’t have the patience to run this through a spell checker… so you’ll just have to live with 5th grade…