Current Events

Remember when our worst problem was a loose zipper?

Even a partisan Dem such as me can appreciate the lost opportunities of the 1990s. Well, ‘ole Bill has released a book, and he was giving an interview on NPR this morning. I did not find myself waxing sentimental over the 1990s. I did not wonder if Bill and the gang would have done a better job under the circumstances of the last four years. What did strike me was how intelligent, well…
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Kitchen Sink

Panic in the break room

John Kauffman, defender of virtue, mentor to the inexperienced, and wellspring of knowledge, was having a bad day. Witness his innocent looking trip to the break room. Suffering from a shortage of “get up and go”, our hero went foraging for coins to appease the vending machine gods. After a fruitless search, our hero discovered a dollar bill in the most unlikely of places, his wallet.
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Kitchen Sink

The smell of vanity

Light travels faster than smell. Exhibit 1: a man on a bicycle spots a policeman getting into his vehicle, three blocks up the road. After the policeman enters his vehicle, and the man on the bicycle gets within two blocks, the smell of cologne hits the man on the bicycle. If you are like the man on the bicycle, you are surprised to learn that men’s cologne could have a blast radius of two…
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Singing in the back seat

In an age where everything has a sub-category (new-born, infant, toddler, tweener, teenager, young adult, ad infinitum), I have no idea what to call to Beth. To me she is simply a child. Like children from sea to shining sea, her life is about as complicated as a Happy Meal toy. Why then is she singing along with the radio in the back seat with passion, “… why’d you have to go…
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Current Events

Greatness is measured over time

There are three possible reasons why I didn’t write anything before now about the Lightning winning the Stanley Cup. 1. I just didn’t feel like it. 2. I was waiting for the emotions of the moment to ebb, in order to present a well reasoned and balanced accounting of the events. 3. I just woke up from a month long coma. If I thought about it a little longer, I could probably come up…
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What do you fear?

Death? Taxes? The Yankees wining another World Series? A six year old child with an attention deficit, a pinch of hyperactivity, and a bow and arrow? Yes, Beth had a busy day on Wednesday. I was picking her up from camp and her group leader was explaining all of the activities they participated in that day. They started with a hike through a local park, followed by some canoeing, another hike…
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Kitchen Sink

Near and dear

They say it is easiest to write about the things which are closest to your heart. So I ask myself, “What is close to your heart this morning?” Like just about every other morning, I think the answer would have to be my left lung. The author does not wish to hear from any smart-ass M.D.s talking pericardium smack. I can’t really think of much to say about my left lung. As far as I…
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AppleGoing for Broke

Balance of power

An important component of the Kauffman household’s (version 2.2) fiscal responsibility is its balance of powers. We have what you might call a bi-camel financial office. (Others might call it being considerate, being responsible, or being married.) Proposals for spending may originate from either side, but must ultimately be approved by both sides before they can be enacted. Case in point: I…
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Kitchen Sink

Someone acquiescent this way comes

Surely you know someone who always seems to agree. It doesn’t matter what is being discussed, that person is right in the thick of it, nodding their head in concurrence. Here’s something fun to try the next time such a person comes to you with a question. I’ll run you through a conversation I had with just such a person earlier today. agreeable: “John, I’ve got a…
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Kitchen Sink

Good sense will only take me so far

It all started with an infection. My doctor gave me antibiotics, but I didn’t tolerate them very well, so I ate yogurt. An easy to prepare lunch for work was born. It’s easy to pack and it’s easy to eat. Very little energy is necessary to complete either task. This is why I still eat yogurt for lunch. It isn’t because I’m on some diet. It certainly isn’t because…
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