It was Friday evening and the game was scheduled for Sunday afternoon. It was to be the Arena Football League championship game, and I had completely forgotten that it was going to take place nearby. Arena football being slightly more popular than curling in Florida, we were able to get tickets. Having never seen an Arena League contest, I was game for a new experience. I checked my calendar…
You and your wife are sharing a moment of matrimonial intimacy in the bathroom. This is not the honeymoon kind of intimacy that people fantasize about. No, this is the mundane, day to day intimacy that is found in the real world. Your wife is in front of you, bent over the sink, brushing her teeth. Her face is visible only because of the mirror. It strikes you that this is what it really means to…
What’s the deal with imports and modified exhaust systems. Take a car with a four cylinder engine. Now take off the muffler, and WAA LAA! – it still sounds like a four cylinder engine. Suddenly it’s cool for your car to sound like a party favor? My first car sounded like that – but only because it needed costly repairs. The last couple of mornings I have had the pleasure of…
I was thinking again about why I do this tonight. There’s nothing like being outed to make you think about your habits. NO, NOT THAT KIND OF “OUTING”, not that there is anything wrong with that. (Line borrowed from Jerry Seinfeld, without permission.) I was outed as a blogger. To my surprise, someone not of blood relation is actually reading this thing. I was surprised by my…
Camera number one shows the layout of the scene. It’s a retirement party. Everyone is saying goodbye to a Department of Corrections cohort. We are outdoors, in someone’s front yard. I am between conversations, observing the crowd from a lawn chair in the middle of the yard. Beth is walking around aimlessly, but not being disruptive. She is the only child at the party. Cameral number…
It was father’s day, and our meal at the Olive Garden was wrapping up. The refill I ordered ten minutes ago was delivered to the table. Suddenly, I wasn’t thirsty. Feeling fidgety, and seeing two glasses set before me – one glass full and another empty, I let my fingers do their own thing. I took both straws in one hand and placed them in the full glass. I put my finger firmly…
I was watching a new show on television the other night. The main character of the show was explaining to his audience that he often thinks of his life as a movie. It struck a cord with me. I often think of my life as a story, a boring story; but a story none the less. I am not necessarily interested in earning a lot of money. I don’t think I yearn for attention. I don’t seek thrills.
I hate it when things don’t work like they should. You show me something of mine that doesn’t quite work right, even if it works mostly o.k., and I’ll show you something I’ll fuss over more than a mamma and her new born baby. If it occurs to you that something is bothering me now then something is working right for you. About six months ago I bought an auto power adapter…
Listening to music, typing what ever comes to mind. The music drives your fingers to a beat. Nothing in particular comes to mind, but it doesn’t matter. There’s a rhythm. Words are spelled wrong. Punctuation is missed. My pounding fingers on the keyboard must be bothering someone. Normally no one can stand my drumming, now I’m doing it constantly, but no one says a thing. My…