Kitchen Sink

When you have more time, you tend to fill it.

You may notice that this weeks entry is a little longer than most, and there is a good reason for that. Simply put, I’ve had more time than usual to fill. My regular readers (like there is such a thing) may recall that I write this waiting for my allergy shots. On my journey to the allergist’s office this week I encountered construction and destruction. As a result, I did not make it…
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Kitchen Sink

Work, work, work.

The last couple of days I’ve found my mind wandering. I know I’ve said this before, and I’m saying it again. I’ve entered a bored faze. I know I’m loosing interest when my mental meandering becomes more frequent. What I need is a good jolt of enthusiasm. Isn’t there a prescription drug for that? “If you suffer from chronic boredom, ask your doctor about…
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Kitchen Sink

Thinking and writing.

I really don’t have any idea what I’m about to say. A woman walked through the door and sat down two seats from me. A child is coughing on the other side of the room. His mother just got up to get a piece of candy for him to suck on. An older child is playing with a wind-up car. Nine people are reading magazines. One person is doing paperwork. One person is going to the bathroom. One…
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Current Events

How do you loose 100 billion of anything?

Don’t ask me. I’m pretty sure I’ve never owned 100 billion of anything anyone would be likely to count, let alone lost them. Our government lately seems pretty good at loosing billions of things a year. But a single company loosing 100 billion U.S. dollars? In one year? I estimate that I made about .0000003% of what AOL Time Warner lost in one year. The displacement of my…
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Current Events

The dream must not be lost.

I never wanted to be an astronaut. Of course, my saying I never wanted to be an astronaut is like Ronald Reagan saying he never wanted to be a liberal. I’ve never had a real aptitude for physical sciences. Uncle Sam was pointing in the other direction when he said “I want you!” I have a particularly acute fear of heights. For me, waiting in line for a roller coaster is kind of…
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Kitchen Sink

Who am I to say.

I’d like to think that I am above certain things. I see advertisements for fancy luxury cars, and I say to myself, “how could anyone spend that much on a car?” Surely I would not squander my wealth in such a way, if I had wealth. I have a penchant for taking up the opposite side of an issue in conversations with people. It really doesn’t matter which side I actually believe…
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In kindergarten, there apparently is a no moving around policy in the lunch room. In other words, once you find a seat you stay in it until you are done. Beth has been given an exception to this rule. She has been told that if someone at her table is eating a peanut product, she is allowed to move due to her peanut allergy. Well, I was talking with her teacher and she recounted recent story from…
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Kitchen SinkSports

A good football weekend.

I am a Bucs fan. I know it is fashionable to say, “I have been a fan for a long time”, but how many of the others had posters of Ron Holmes, Ron Hall, Donald Igwebweke, or James Wilder hanging on their bedroom wall? As a childhood transplant from Massachusetts, I’ve had a good year. The Patriots won last year and the Bucs this year. Next thing you know it, the Red Sox will win…
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