Kitchen Sink


Patience. Caring. Exhilarating. Breathless. Trusting. Responsibility. Reflux. Tums. Bad breath. Green blanket. Misshapen toe. Exhausting. Inspiring. Relentless. Sleeping. Careening. Fidgeting. Organizing. Sharing. Anxiety. Hopeful. Worry. Giving. Selfless. Head ache. Mood altering. Life changing. Wonderful. Faith restoring. Humbling. Family. Forever. Thank you. A song once said that the power of…
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Kitchen Sink

Looking up.

Christy is flying up. My birthday is coming up. Everyone else’s birthday is coming up. Our trip to New England is coming up. Beth continues to grow up. What’s there not to like? If we could just plan that trip to New Orleans that we’ve been meaning to take for the last three years we’d really be cooking. What keeps you from traveling? For us, there are a number of factors.
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Kitchen Sink

The weekend that was.

There is little I can fault with the weekend that just past. It was relaxing, but not overly lazy. I got some things done that needed to be done, but it was not so much that it took over the entire weekend. I went to that Bucs game, and it was pretty cool. It’s funny to find myself saying that about a game where my team got crushed, but it’s the truth (I had fun and the Bucs got…
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Kitchen Sink

Why are you posting this?

One: I don’t think anyone really reads through these things. Two: Even if someone was, I have relatively little that I feel the need to hide from anyone. Three: I am open with people to a fault. Four: Where is the delete key? On the one hand, I feel like this should embarrass me. However, the other hand wins out: it is who I am. I am not going to be embarrassed by who I am, despite what I…
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Kitchen Sink

In the mood.

No, this is not what you may be thinking. There are moments when everything seems profound, and my mind is a fountain of compelling ideas. These are the times that I like to sit down with my computer and commit my thoughts to black and white. About five minutes ago I was in such a state. The problem with these times is that they are fleeting. Any distraction that pops up seems to vaccinate my mind…
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Working my fingers to ground round stumps.

These last few months I’ve had the pleasure of staying back at the office to train new folks and process backlogs. I like the training part. I like the working backlogs part less. I’m presented with working conditions that I’ve not experienced in my short working life: hours upon hours of similar tasks on the PC. In the process I’ve learned a new word: Repetitive motion…
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Happy-grams vs Angry-grams.

Beth was very proud to deliver her very first happy-gram from kindergarten. We were happy to shower her with praise. I wanted to be a little careful to temper my praise: I don’t want this time to be more enthusiastic than future occurrences when the novelty wears off. I want to pace myself. We were not so happy when Beth delivered upon us her first “angry-gram.” This was a name I…
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