
Soma relief

I’m not sure where I heard this, but Disney supposedly inflates the estimated wait times on their amusement park rides. Makes sense, right? I’ll bet leads to fewer disappointments. The day of Cheryl’s surgery, I remember the doctor saying her pain should start feeling better by the following Monday. As I’ve mentioned before, it didn’t. In fact it got a little…
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State of the Kauffmans

The obvious place to start is Cheryl, the recently cut open. The doctor said she’d have a rough weekend and she did. Hoo-ray for the wisdom granted those who study modern medicine! It’s supposed to start getting better this week, so maybe we’re almost in the clear. It seems like the end is near. I mean that in a good way, but with every bit of sarcasm mixed in you can muster. In…
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Family and FriendsWellbeing

She's 38

I have a much longer post written (in my head) tentatively titled “state of the Kauffmans,” but it will have to wait until a time when it’s not past my bedtime. Until then, know that Cheryl’s recovery is going as planned, and she enjoyed a little get together with our parents to celebrate her birthday. (She was a little nervous about me wearing my Obama campaign shirt with…
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Family and FriendsWellbeing

Cheryl speaks

Cheryl posted a couple comments to the last posts, in reply to the thoughts, good wishes, and prayers sent her way. I’m reposting them here to give them the visibility they’re due (and because one reflects well on me). Thank you all for your good wishes and virtual lasagna. I just got home and am already feeling better. I have discovered they don’t let you sleep in the…
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Family and FriendsWellbeing

Back in the hospital

Naturally, the first song to pop up on a random play of the songs on my phone would be “Hymn to the Fallen.” Hospitals have been a benign place most of my life. While not exactly money in the pocket of a forgotten pair of jeans, it hasn’t been the center for suffering and death it can be for others. Growing up I had my share of stitches, broken bones, and dislocated hips. The…
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