
Mind your metabolism

This post has been a while coming. I’ve been freaky tired, but fear not dear readers. Knowing is half the battle and good humor is two thirds, so I’m running a surplus. Get a load of my visit with the doctor last week. She tells me she wants to go over the good stuff from my labs first. The word ‘first’ was my cue to stop paying attention until she said…
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Kitchen Sink

Your mouth doesn't get mulligans

In between hearings the Judge said he worried about the future of our country (referring to the election), adding, “I don’t know how long the top thirty percent can continue to support the other seventy.” I replied (with a mischievous smile), “well speaking for the seventy percent: we thank you.” That didn’t earn me any points. And because I seem to like really…
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Current EventsPolitics

Comment gets an election day (after) promotion

This started out as a follow-up comment to my post with the Florida/CNN map, but I thought I’d let this one try to stand on it’s own. If you’re a McCain supporter you might think this is just piling on, but that’s not the intent at all. This little post is for me and my kids. It’s not just for today, but years from now. Today was a great day. EARLY this morning I had…
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Proud of my little sliver of Florida

It’s after 2 a.m. and yes, I’m obviously still up. I can’t seem to close the lid on my PowerBook. The house has finally gone dark, save for the glow of my favorite computer. Despite the polls I was having a hard time believing Florida could go blue this year. But here you have it from CNN: If you look at the little peninsula under the “m” in Tampa on the map…
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Yes we did!

CNN calls it at 11 as the polls close out west. Cheryl’s been saying for two hours that she needed to go to bed… in twenty minute intervals. She’s still up. I can’t blame her. I’m projecting I’ll be awake for at least another couple hours. Our long national nightmare is over. Say it with me. Barack Obama is going to be the next President of the United States. I…
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What is your interest?

I’m about to share an observation, but I’d like to admit up-front it probably means very little. It’s a few non-random samples I’ve picked up that I admit happen to fit my world view. Sue me. I was driving home from court this week and I thought of my mother. She always liked driving along Alternate 19 where it runs along the shore, between Sunset Point in Clearwater and…
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Being a very small part of it

A while back I talked about doing a little volunteering for the Obama campaign. You can probably tell from the title I decided to do it. It scared the crap out of me just like I thought it would. I’m not posting this to exaggerate my accomplishments. If you want to know the truth, I think I accomplished very little. I made a couple hours worth of phone calls spread out over a few days…
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I get you kid

Someone asked me the other day if Beth was in junior high. When I said yes, this person went on to share some of their horror stories about that age: boys pulling girl’s hair, the physical awkwardness, etc. I nodded my head, but I was thinking that was just the tip of a very large iceberg. To be fair, this person was just making small talk in passing, not engaging me in a serious, drawn out…
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