You probably don’t know this because I probably didn’t tell you; and you probably didn’t care, so I probably didn’t see the need. However, you are here and you’ve come this far (though why I’ll never know), so I’ll get on with my tale.
Adam’s sitter dropped a bomb on us last week, saying she didn’t think “things were working out,”…
I started up the great scan project again this evening. After about four years of sporadic efforts, I figure I’ve got about eighty percent of our old school picts digitized.
I was just going through the old Conner album when a stray thought gave me a smack… I should have gotten some pictures at the hospital, and of my chemotherapy pump. You may think it’s a horrible idea, and I…
I think my wife was a little concerned about last night. She was working on dinner and I said, “dang, I was going to offer to help and then I got distracted… I was looking forward to cutting something up.”
There are lots of circumstances when it’s perfectly legitimate to become concerned when someone shows a little too much fondness for a knife, but cut me a little slack…
There are times when a bad memory serves me well. I’m grateful, because there are so many other times when it doesn’t… like this evening, when my wife asked me to take out the garbage for the second time.
“Yeah, don’t worry Cheryl. I’ll get it.”
Three hours later, when we’re going to bed…
“I thought you said you’d get the…
Sure, driving stories are a dime a dozen. If I had a nickel for every time I heard someone complain about traffic or bad driving, I could pave the street with them (the nickels). They might be kind of slippery in the rain though.
But this is more than just a story about driving. This the kind of story that leads to prejudgements… when an anecdote seemingly confirms a stereotype. I’m…
After a few days of neglect, I checked out the site this morning and noticed I got my first irate comment. My heart is a flutter with excitement. It’s got it all… colorful language, insinuated questions about my integrity, righteous indignation… hoo wee!
Not only am I not going to delete this comment, I’ve made it easier for you – the reader – to find it and…
I was in no mood for posting yesterday, even though life has been boiled down to surfing, blogging and TV watching over the last month or so. Today I’m home alone again, but with nary a thing to do… and no desire to nap. So here goes!
Yesterday was the day I came down with my first at home, immunosuppressed cold. I woke up early that morning to my early warning system telling me a head…
According to the March 6th, 2005 St. Pete Times, Florida ranked 47th among the 50 states in per pupil (education) spending.
Keeping that in mind, consider a story I heard on the local public radio station this morning. They were discussing higher education funding, and they mentioned an interesting fact about the local, state university (the University of South Florida in Tampa). Apparently, they…