
Repost: Once more into the well, dear friends

This is a repost from September 20th, 2004. The average daily traffic back then was REALLY low. So, from time to time I’m going to bring another back out, now that readership has moved beyond a bored medical student with relatively close family ties. – – – This weekend I told to someone caffeine was a recent vice. It was subsequently suggested my recent obsession with…
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Know thy coffee

In the office I’m known to some as “Mr Shade-Grown,” based on my advocacy for certain varieties of fair-trade coffee. Don’t mistake me for Mr Green though, I’m filled with imperfections and contradictions. A year or so ago I switched to brewing coffee with a french press. Part of me just wanted to play around with different methods of coffee brewing, but another…
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CoffeeGoing for Broke

Fluff, courtesy of the magic bean

I am torn. I aspire to be a coffee snob, but I’m finding that some of the equipment is a little too pricey. My first steps to snobbery weren’t too expensive… whole bean instead of ground, a once forgotten coffee (blade) grinder received as a wedding gift, and a French press. I’ve come a long way from coffee flavored, instant chocolate milk (General Foods International…
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CoffeeFamily and Friends

Spoiling the grandkids, double-aughts style

This evening my son (he of three) asked my wife for “a vanilla bean.” “Come again?” my wife asked. (I’m taking a wee bit of license here… she probably just said: “what?”) “I want a Tall Vanilla Bean mommy.” Cheryl and I had one of those “meant for you” moments. We each came to the conclusion that a certain mem-may (re: my…
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Oh yeah!

Yesterday I started up my stimulant habit again. That’s right friends, America’s Favorite Stimulant rides again! The post-chemo heartburn has been a memory for a week now – and many of you know how draining a case of insomnia can be, so it was high time for some fine grind brew. Ummmm, UMMMM! I love my coffee. Three hearty tablespoons of beans (freshly ground), three cups of…
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Say it ain’t so Joe!

I was standing in line at Starbucks waiting for a little pick-me-up, in the form of a Grande, Java Chip Frappuccino. I haven’t been drinking much coffee lately, but I was hoping a little iced coffee would juice me through an end-of-the-day grocery run at the Super Target. I was listening in on a little cross-counter banter, when the green apron clad Javameister said something he…
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CoffeeFamily and Friends

Beware of the label

I went with a loved one to a colonoscopy. Yes, that’s just as fun as it sounds. In the lobby there was a sign for “hot liquid” next to a table with a dispenser ubiquitous with America’s Favorite Stimulant. I was more than ready for some stimulating beverage, so I ambled over for a cup. I have to give them this much: it was both hot AND a liquid. As for any implied…
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Weak coffee diaries

My French press coffee maker broke in the dishwasher this weekend. I can’t tell you how distraught I felt. I’ve asked for a new, larger capacity model for Christmas… so now I can’t go out and BUY something I might get as a gift. That’s bad list-making mo-jo, man. So here I am, drinking weak ‘drip’ brew, a victim of my own sensibilities… a modern day…
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Don’t try to bring that weak (stuff) in my house!

It looks like today is the big day… the day James Baker and the Senior Singers release their album of Middle East greatest hits. After having the war up on the lift for a few months, it looks like Jimmy and the boys are going to recommend rotating the tires and driving home – eventually, at some time yet to be determined. Now that’s a bold move. Speaking of weak (and shifting…
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CoffeeThe Sunshine StateTravel

Bogota, we have a problem (another entry about coffee)

I think I have the symptoms of a serious chemical imbalance. Specifically, America’s favorite stimulant doesn’t seem to be working as a stimulant. I am familiar with the concept of tolerance… but this goes well beyond your garden-variety tolerance issue. It’s as if I’ve punched my ticket to bizarro world, or left this plane of existence, did not pass go, did not…
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