
Missing you.

“Mommy, I want Cory to sleep over again sometime.” “Well Beth, I’m not sure Cory likes sleeping over here.” “Why mommy?” “I think he may miss his mommy and daddy too much.” “Why? When I sleep over at Memmay and Peppey’s house I don’t miss you guys.” “John, I could use some help right now.” “Yeah, I just…
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What’s wrong with the sock drawer?

The other night Beth was coming out of the bathroom with her towel wrapped tightly around her chest. This new found modesty was a little refreshing, so of course we had to say something about it. Beth’s reply was a little odd: “I don’t want anyone to see my nickels.” “NICKELS? What are you doing with nickels under your towel?” I replied. “What…
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The toes knows.

More than any other body part, my feet dictate when I am comfortable. When my feet are hot, I am hot. When they are not… you get the picture. Nothing is worse than a pair of socks with a misaligned seam. That damn thing will drive me far crazier than any idiot on the highway. A similar dynamic has ruled out a whole category of footware. When I was young I could not stand flip-flops (you may…
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A funny kind of angry.

We have a weekday evening routine. Beth comes home from school. One of us (me or Cheryl) gets out Beth’s allergy prescription and her vitamin and gives it to her. Beth holds her nose, closes her eyes, swallows her Zyrtec (for allergies), convulses once or twice, opens her eyes, grabs her vitamin, and runs into the other room to watch TV. On Tuesday Cheryl and I took advantage of the state…
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The sticky spot on the floor.

There are days when everything seems to go just great… and then there are all of the other days. There are those other days when things are not particularly bad, but certainly not good. You make progress, but it seems that it comes despite some invisible, dark force lurking around the corner. In a playful moment with your child, you slide in your stocking feet across the smooth living room…
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Not done yet.

It is well past Beth’s bed time on Halloween night. She has spent the evening foraging for sweets. The doorbell rings. It is another costumed youngster seeking treats. Beth darts to the door, eager to be the bearer of said treats. She hands out the candy with a grin of immense satisfaction. The experience leaves her hungry for more. She peers out the door, looking for more. Finding none, she…
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This is a test.

Did you know that doctors will prescribe medication for something other than it’s originally intended purpose? An example is the hypertension drug minoxidil. People taking minoxidil many years ago may have noticed one of the side effects: “… may result in increased hair growth…. ” Doctors later figured out you could smear some on your head… and the rest was…
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Because I can.

The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Beth has known this from an early age. Now what do you think happens when the shortest distance between two points is also the hardest traveled distance between two points? If you are Beth, and the shortest distance has scaleable living room furniture in it’s path, then this is desirable. No, make that damn near impossible to…
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