
The dust settles on another school year

Let me say that most of the folks we’ve dealt with at my daughter’s school have been wonderful. They’ve been kind, patient, understanding, and caring. All the same, next year my daughter will be going to a different school. Why is she going to a different school? It’s a long story, one I don’t have the energy or inclination to tell right now… but here’s…
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Family and Friends

Apply pressure and hold

According to the U.S. Department of Energy (, gasoline prices for the U.S. Gulf Coast were an average of $2.81 per gallon (as of May 8, 2006). If I were to resume my bicycle commute program, and if gas prices were to remain stable (at this cost), the savings to our household would be an average of $15.12 per week, $65.54 per month, or $786.45 per…
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Family and Friends

More self evident truths

There are certain, inalienable rights; among them life, liberty, and the pursuit of televised coverage of your team’s presence in a semi-final OR final championship game. Set the way back machine to Saturday night, and take a stroll through my life with me… It’s nearing bed time and my wife has the haggard look of a single mother after a double shift of bedtime prep.
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Family and Friends

The following entry contains no less than one understatement

When you have one child you are asked to play. When you have two children you are asked to mediate property disputes. Earlier today the property in dispute was none other than yours truly. I was sitting on the couch, minding my own business, when Beth yells, “DADDY!” and proceeds to leap into my lap. Not to be out done, Adam dives at me like a Japanese fighter plane, with seemingly…
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Family and Friends

A book-buying binge for the not so New Year

I don’t need permission from my wife to spend five dollars, but for some reason I felt compelled to tell her anyway. “John, you don’t need my permission to spend five dollars,” she replies. “I know, I thought I would extend you the courtesy of asking anyway.” “Who are you and what have you done with my husband?” “We’ve taken him someplace…
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Family and Friends

Climbing the family tree

My latest obsession is genealogy. It all started with the Mormons. Now there’s a sentence you don’t hear every day. A search for “genealogy” on Google will bring you to the Church of Later Day Saints with greater reliability “polygamy.” (What’s this world coming to?) So I hung out with the Mormons for a while. I found a couple interesting snippets of…
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Compare and Contrast

On evenings past I have stumbled around in the dark looking for a flashlight that mysteriously wasn’t there. On these dark, perilous journeys through veritable minefields of wheeled children’s toys, I have wondered if the addictive effect of a flashlight on a child is similar to the effect of heroine. Sure, there are a few kinks to work out… like the fact that testing the theory…
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