Family and Friends

What do I see?

I look at Cheryl and I see my love, my wife, my dearest. I look at my child and I see me, only a lot more willful; and a whole lot more outspoken. I look at my wife and I sometimes see a rock. At other times I see a feather. I look at my daughter and I sometimes see the spawn of satan. At other times I see the sweetest person on Earth. I look at myself and I see someone I would have envied in…
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Family and Friends


Before you can say you’ve turned a corner you have to have started in one direction and ended up in another. The question is: will there be another turn up ahead that will put me back on the original course, or will the change in direction be more or less permanent? Maybe it’s too much to expect from one afternoon, but it’s been a good day. Even when Beth was standing in front of…
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Last year our daughter’s school suggested testing for intelligence. They offered to test her to determine if it would be appropriate to place her in the Gifted Program. Cheryl was all for it. I wasn’t so sure. How much harm does it do a child to be labeled? Does it matter if the label is good or bad? Is the end result the same? Are expectations placed on someone that may not be…
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