The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Beth has known this from an early age. Now what do you think happens when the shortest distance between two points is also the hardest traveled distance between two points? If you are Beth, and the shortest distance has scaleable living room furniture in it’s path, then this is desirable. No, make that damn near impossible to…
A family of three gather in the only child’s bedroom. The father is hanging the six year old girl’s clean clothes in the closet – the very model of the modern husband. The young girl is taking her time picking up her dirty clothes. The mother is uncharacteristically standing idle, watching the scene unfold in front of her.
Suddenly impatient, mommy warns: “Beth, if you…
An old family friend made it’s way back into our cupboard. Beth went in for her allergy skin test a few weeks back, and we learned she was allergic to a lot more things than we thought; but that’s not important right now. We learned she’s no longer allergic to peanuts.
Four weeks, one blood test, a peanut butter cracker, and two hours of observation at…
Does anyone still refer to hockey as “ice hockey”? A friend of mine recently asked me if I was interested in taking in a game, via the wife-line. I give him a call, saying “I understand there is an urgent matter regarding an ice hockey game”. Ice hockey? What was he going to say, “no, there’s a semi-pro women’s field hockey team playing at the University…
Here’s the set up: Cheryl, Beth and I go to Olive Garden with Memmay and Peppay (I promise not to start in on the French slang thing again). The disabled parking spaces in front of the restaurant are full so Memmay drops us off so she can drive around looking for a disabled spot in the next lot over (don’t get me started).
Here’s what happened next: Two groups arrive at the front…
Sometimes, when you hear folks from a couple of generations back speak, you hear them talk about the good old days, the days when they didn’t have to lock their doors when they left the house. Did anyone who ever grew up in a city EVER REALLY do that? I’ll admit to occasionally leaving my car unlocked when I know that I’m going back out soon. Two factors lead to this practice.