Family and Friends

Daddy the protector.

Two events have driven home a true appreciation for what the future may hold for me as a parent. Twice, my daughter’s well being has been broached by strangers. It hasn’t been anything serious; one person with a vocal attitude and another with a loose handle on their gum. While not exactly a full frontal assault, it has been enough to show up on my protective radar. My emotional…
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Family and Friends

Her strength is skin deep.

My wife is a strong person. I don’t mean she’s muscular. I mean she has a strong personality. Truth be told, it is much stronger than mine. She has a will, and where there’s a will there’s her way. She’ll stand up to anyone, anyplace, any time if properly provoked. What I want to know is where does that person go when there is a lizard or bug in the house. When there…
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Who’s afraid of 50 little shots?

We are eagerly awaiting Beth’s next trip to the allergist. Beth, like many small children, does not like shots. Beth’s next trip to the allergist will involve skin testing. Hoo wee, that should be just swell. I brought Beth to one of my trips for allergy shots recently. Beth was so disturbed by the prospect of anyone getting shots she had to leave the room. I had these grand visions of…
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How long can you hold your breath?

Vacation is just around the corner, and the week gets longer as the days grow fewer. There are now just two full days before we leave, but it feels like two weeks. I can take comfort in the fact that I am not alone in my agony. Beth has been wallowing for at least the last week and a half. “We are going on vacation today, aren’t we daddy?” “No Beth, we’ve got (x) more…
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Holiday perks

Veterans Day is a holiday for state employees in Florida. It is not a school holiday. Little did we know, our alarm was about to take a holiday too. It was seven-thirty, a full hour after Cheryl and I had hoped to be up. We had exactly thirty minutes to get Beth fed, dressed and out the door. On our best morning, when post alarm events mesh with Swiss precision, we all get out the door in 45…
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Family and Friends


All at once I’m overjoyed for my sister, yet down in the dumps over our own situation at home. So there you have it. I don’t know what to think about it either. Run and hide before the dark cloud of my mood spreads. Thank you. For Conner’s good health, for the friends we’ve made, for a wife who knows how to fix bad situations, and for a perceived ability to soothe her…
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Things with Beth have not been easy lately. Beth has been spending time with the school administration all too often, and I’m beginning to get a little worried. I’m not sure what we’re supposed to do about it, but I’m hoping that some of the folks that we’ve arranged to speak to in the near future will have some good advice. You hope that you are doing a good job…
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