Family and Friends


It has been a long week, but I think things are starting to look up. Cheryl was out of work through Tuesday. For all of you out there not reading this, Cheryl says she is fine, but quite bored. Rest and relaxation is not Cheryl’s thing. As for myself? I can say the initial shock and disappointment has started to fade. On Monday I removed that plant that Cheryl sent announcing our second…
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Family and Friends

A bad start.

Any one that tells you that life is nothing but peaches and cream is lying. You can be cruising at ten thousand feet one day and crashing into the prairie the next. This week was not a crash, but we weren’t flying high either. It began with pain. Cheryl was not feeling particularly well, and she decided it was bad enough to call her doctor. He didn’t think that a trip to the emergency…
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Wednesday is the big day.

Beth starts kindergarten today (Wednesday). On Tuesday we went to orientation with her, and a funny thing happened. All this week Beth has been a little unsure of the whole kindergarten thing. On Monday, her last regular day in her pre-k class, she was sent in with the “school age” class, since she would be one of them in 48 hours anyway. When I picked her up, she was a little…
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Family and Friends

Thank you.

for the loving and understanding wife, for the cool daughter, for the job I like, for the father I could look up to, for the mother who did her best, for the sisters whom I’m so proud of (like I had anything to do with it), for my grandmother who gave us so much, for Pops and Honey – who packed a lot of love in the short time I had with them, for my only aunt who I always thought was…
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Family and Friends

Giving life.

I found out that my wife was pregnant with our second child in a unique way. One day after my wife got a positive result on a home pregnancy test, I was called down to the mail room at my office to pick up a potted plant that had been delivered for me. The potted plant didn’t tell me much, so I opened the card attached. “Congratulations, you’re a daddy again…”, it…
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Showing off.

On Thursday I had the opportunity to pick up Beth early. I was leaving work at 2:30, thanks to a long day in court on Wednesday. Customarily, when I pick up Beth early it means that we are going to do something other than just go home. So when we got to the parking lot outside Beth’s school I asked the question, “what do you want to do now Beth?” “I want to go to the park…
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Family and Friends

Cheryl is still pregnant, Beth still lives here too.

At times Cheryl will tell you, with no small amount of frustration in her voice, that Beth is definitely my daughter. I lie here on Tuesday evening, finishing this entry with Beth at my side. She is busy with children’s television. I’m busy with one of my hobbies. We are both sitting mostly quiet, absorbed in our activity. But we are together, offering the occasional reminder that we…
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Family and Friends

The Sixth of July.

We did not spend Independence Day doing any of the traditional things. There was no cook out, there was no fireworks. However, on Saturday evening we headed out to Bush Gardens and caught the last night of their holiday fireworks. It was a little late, but still a lot of fun. Beth had reason to be thankful on that night, she got to go to the park with her new friend Cory from down the street. It…
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