Going for Broke

F...ing insurance

Warning! My potty mouth comes out of storage for this one. We got the official fuck-off letter from the other guy’s insurance company the other day. I can’t say I wasn’t expecting it, but it was still a bit maddening. The dude had the minimum amount of insurance required by law, which apparently dates back to when a dollar was still a lot of money… back when change…
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Going for BrokeKitchen Sink

Let's hear it for the mail

A few amusing things came in the mail this morning (the last week really… we haven’t been checking for a while). The first was actually a stack of things: a whole mess of “this is not a bill” from our auto insurance company. They don’t want anything from us now, they just want to remind us they’ve been billed for another ten grand from various providers, and…
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Going for Broke

I demand respect!

Miss me? You know you did. In the last week or so, all of my spare time has been devoted to reading up on bathroom repair and remodeling. We’d planned to do some work on “the most expensive room in the house” eventually, but planning a remodeling project is kind of like planning to travel when you retire. It’s a nice to think about, but there’s always something more…
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Going for Broke

A new MacBook

My wife was good and mad this morning when she saw this in our email inbox: I don’t know about you, but I’m not allowed to make this kind of purchase on my own. Lucky for me, the internet age has allowed us to pull up our credit card statements online – so I could prove my innocence really quick. But that got us both to worrying… had someone stolen my identity? We pulled a…
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Going for Broke

Paid Off

Those are two beautiful words. I’m not saying this because I’m a lobbyist (I’m not by the way). Those two words are significant because we paid off our magnificent iMac today, courtesy of a bonus that appeared in our checking account today (and well deserved, if you’re willing to take my admittedly biased word for it). I’d feel better if we’d paid off the cars…
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Going for BrokeWellbeing

Writing what you know

I could write about travel. I could tell amusing anecdotes. I could tell you where this entry is going, if only I knew. At the moment I know about colds. Adam’s nose looks more like a Superfund site than a piece of harmless human anatomy. Beth thinks it’s really cool that she’s loosing her voice. I’m on the brink of a critical shortage of Motrin. I’m wondering how…
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