You may notice that this weeks entry is a little longer than most, and there is a good reason for that. Simply put, I’ve had more time than usual to fill. My regular readers (like there is such a thing) may recall that I write this waiting for my allergy shots. On my journey to the allergist’s office this week I encountered construction and destruction. As a result, I did not make it…
I really don’t have any idea what I’m about to say.
A woman walked through the door and sat down two seats from me. A child is coughing on the other side of the room. His mother just got up to get a piece of candy for him to suck on. An older child is playing with a wind-up car. Nine people are reading magazines. One person is doing paperwork. One person is going to the bathroom. One…
The last couple of days I’ve found my mind wandering. I know I’ve said this before, and I’m saying it again. I’ve entered a bored faze. I know I’m loosing interest when my mental meandering becomes more frequent. What I need is a good jolt of enthusiasm. Isn’t there a prescription drug for that? “If you suffer from chronic boredom, ask your doctor about…
I’d like to think that I am above certain things. I see advertisements for fancy luxury cars, and I say to myself, “how could anyone spend that much on a car?” Surely I would not squander my wealth in such a way, if I had wealth.
I have a penchant for taking up the opposite side of an issue in conversations with people. It really doesn’t matter which side I actually believe…
I am a Bucs fan. I know it is fashionable to say, “I have been a fan for a long time”, but how many of the others had posters of Ron Holmes, Ron Hall, Donald Igwebweke, or James Wilder hanging on their bedroom wall? As a childhood transplant from Massachusetts, I’ve had a good year. The Patriots won last year and the Bucs this year. Next thing you know it, the Red Sox will win…
I think it is simply precious that I am typing this entry at the last minute, given my conversations with a coworker this week. On more than one occasion, I found my self almost bragging that I was able to do certain things I enjoy by carefully budgeting my time. Now picture me sitting up past my bed time, in part because the bug to write took it’s time biting, and because tomorrow morning…