Kitchen Sink

Pick your poison

As employer decisions go, where does restricting thermostat access rank? Is it better to restrict access to management or leave it open to the whim of anyone who passes it in the hallway? Is it better to have a few people grumble about the temperature; or, open the office to an all out, passive-aggressive civil war? I’ve experienced both… and either way it’s messy. I’d…
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The Dinty Moore Mystery

We were rummaging through our hurricane supplies for a quick and dirty, single fully-functioning parent meal, when I discovered some beef stew lurking in the stash. I was all set to enjoy the simple pleasure of canned meat… until I noticed the label: “No Preservatives!” Friends, I don’t know about you but I have pretty strong feelings about preservative-free beef in a…
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Family and Friends


It may be news to you, but even I get tired of whining. Therefore, I’m not going to get into the reasons for the delay in posting a piece of blogging gold that was dropped in my lap this week. Illness is not normally a cause for celebration, but this week Cheryl lost her voice. Literally over night our house was transformed. Imagine the difference between daytime talk shows and Masterpiece…
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Current Events

We now rejoin the game, already in progress

The GOP has been running from its history for thirty years, since Civil Rights for ethnic minorities became res judicata (so to speak). It hasn’t been running all that fast lately… they haven’t really needed to, what with their recent string of electoral success and all. One might have expected that they might run a little faster since their foray to the right left them a few…
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Current Events

An open letter to the Junior Senator from Massachusetts

Dear John, As a registered Democrat and a person that voted for you (in the general election anyway)… I beg you… please stop running for President. Oh, don’t be coy. We all know what you’re up to. I’m sure you’re a swell guy and you mean well, but I’ve got to tell you… when you put together the folks that ran for the Democratic nomination in 2000 and…
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Current Events

Hopefully, my last sports related entry of the week

Here are a couple quick conclusions drawn from the Bucs game tonight: First, if you made Brad Johnson six inches shorter, made him a little less accurate on the intermediate pass, and made him more mobile: you’d have a quarterback that looks a lot like Bruce Gradkowski. The difference between Brad’s and Bruce’s long ball is that Brad knew enough not to throw it (either that or…
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Going for Broke

Not a shingle dollar

Thats right friends, no play on words is to lame; we’re officially poor. Late last week we employed a classic strategy for budget busting known as “roofing.” Any time you employ someone to perform strenuous labor in uncomfortable circumstances AND you involve a primary component of the structure of your house… you’re likely to end up hosed. What’s more, like the…
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CoffeeThe Sunshine StateTravel

Bogota, we have a problem (another entry about coffee)

I think I have the symptoms of a serious chemical imbalance. Specifically, America’s favorite stimulant doesn’t seem to be working as a stimulant. I am familiar with the concept of tolerance… but this goes well beyond your garden-variety tolerance issue. It’s as if I’ve punched my ticket to bizarro world, or left this plane of existence, did not pass go, did not…
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On the other hand, I may be completely alone.

Following a bit of whimsy, I was pricing used G3 iMacs yesterday afternoon. For the 99.99999999999% of you who have insufficient background information on the G3 family of iMacs to sufficiently appreciate this entry… the G3 family of iMacs were fazed out by Apple in 2001, and were the original form factor for the iMac that was introduced in 1998. Anyhoo, I thought a used computer that sold…
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