In what may be a first for Kauffman kind, I am concerned about something working exactly as it should. I approached my desktop representative from the twin evil empires (Dell and Microsoft) with my accustomed trepidation. Yet for all my caution, I entered a seemingly random string of characters for my login password. I think I’ve discussed the rhythm method of typing before, haven’t I?
I laid out the law. I told my wife that if she loved me, she would watch the Battlestar Galactica mini-series. (Would you believe that “Battlestar Galactica” was not in the Microsoft Word spell-check dictionary?) It took me two weeks of relentless pressure, followed by my aforementioned last ditch ultimatum before Cheryl relented. I told her that if she would just watch the mini-series…
Being late is almost never good, unless you are trying to have a baby. Otherwise, it’s pretty much a drag. The other night I was up late. I even wrote about it. I was up late again last night, once again dealing with a tragic and unavoidable urge to play video games (damn you to hell, Xbox).
The question remains (despite the Xbox scourge), why am I staying up so late? Come with me as I take…
I’m always b****ing and moaning about being tired. At my optimal bedtime I usually say to myself, “I’m just going to read one more article.” Uh, yeah, sure you will. Pretty soon two hours have passed, and I’m good and f***ed.
Tomorrow I’ll no doubt be up at my normal time, engaging in my latest hobby – coffee slurping. I’m working on a wicked tough…
Not that I need any external pressure to fool around with my PowerBook, but I was feeling it from two different directions this weekend. First there was the peer pressure. That’s right friends; peer pressure isn’t just for adolescence anymore. It’s just as relevant to a 34 year old computer nerd as it is for a 16 year old dermatologist’s patient. It seems that a friend of…
I got to work this morning and had some caffeine. I would tell you that I sat down and enjoyed a morning cup of joe, but I’d feel dishonest. We all know that coffee is just a delivery device for caffeine anyway, so,. After some morning “go” juice I was clipping away at a healthy pace, whistling while I worked. You walk through a state office building and see how many people are…
If you are anything like me, you’ve always been a little afraid of “fruit on the bottom” yogurt. It’s one thing to eat something that’s still alive (re: “live and active cultures”). It’s quite another to crack the seal on your yogurt and worry that you might have seen it move. That’s why I’ve been such a fan of Yoplait’s line of…
One day you wake up and the sentence, “I’m sure glad my wife bought whole wheat hot dog buns” makes perfect sense. A few years back, heck, just a couple of months back, I would have rejected the concept of a whole wheat sheath for the world’s most popular mystery meat. Who REALLY prefers the taste of whole wheat to white? It just doesn’t happen. It’s like…