
Eat more salt!

If you should avoid salt when you suffer from high blood pressure, should you eat more salt if you have low blood pressure? Break out those saltines Cheryl! I may not be a doctor, but I’ve watched make believe doctors on TV. Seriously, please don’t take my word for it. If you think you suffer from low blood pressure, ask your physician if a high salt diet would be right for you! This…
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Current Events

The little team that would

Sports has taught me to be a pessimist. You are going to lose. The odds weigh heavily against you. If you are good enough to make the playoffs you still have to overcome one in thirty-two odds to remain the last one standing. This is why, even with a three games to none lead in their series with Montreal, I was a little worried. How poised would the Lightning be with such a large cushion? If any…
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Kitchen Sink

There is no place like home

Please note that the commentary in this message reflects the opinions of the author, and in no way reflect the opinions or positions of the webmaster or host of this web site. I’ve been called home. The home office wants to see me. ME? Why me? What have I done? It turns out that I’ve been tapped as a “subject matter expert from the field.” Whoa, does that sound important!
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Kitchen Sink

Lets hear it for carbs!

A regulation size Twix bar weighs 56.7g and has 280 calories. It has more calories (280 to 260), but less total weight (56.7g to 60.4g) than a regulation size 3 Musketeers bar. If both cost $0.55 (US), then which is the better deal? At a glance, it would appear that for raw power the Twix bar is the way to go. If on the other hand, you are looking for something to fill a hole in your digestive…
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Current Events

Awesome power.

An attorney for the White House recently described the president’s powers granted him by the constitution and congress during a “time of war” as “awesome power.” The context of this statement was a discussion concerning the executive branches’ alleged right to detain “enemy combatants” during a time of war, including those combatants who are detained…
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Current Events

Three dash zero.

Oh lay that! Richards shoots… he gets the rebound… he fires it behind Theodore… HE SCORES!!! How many more games can the Lightning get out played in the playoffs and keep winning? Not that they’ve been out played every game – far from it. For now, I’m sure they’ll take it either way. For that matter, so will I. Now if I can somehow get some sleep…
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Family and Friends

We need a judge’s ruling on isle four.

Publix (Supermarket) – Our nominee for husband of the quarter and everyone’s hero, yours truly, was shopping grocery style with the family. Cheryl, the wife and household fashion consultant, sent me on a mission to retrieve some facial tissue – greasy style. I came back with two boxes just as I was ordered. Ten minutes later Cheryl erupts with indignation: “you got brown…
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Family and Friends

So-so on the go-no go

We learned this morning that we will not have twins this fall. That’s the bad news. The good news is that one of the two is the picture of good health. I’m having a hard time assessing my feelings about this right now. I was standing beside Cheryl, holding her hand as we watched the ultrasound screen. I was immediately worried that I could only see one fetus, but I told myself that I…
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Family and Friends


With the authority vested in her by God, genetics, and a second x chromosome, Cheryl is rarely wrong. When disputes arise, I frequently do what many other men in my position do, I take my rightful place, admit to my failings, and subject myself to her authority. Things are just easier that way. This doesn’t mean that I always have to like it, but since when does liking something have to do…
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Kitchen Sink

Top rung adventure.

There is a warning on most step ladders which warn the average consumer that it is not wise to venture beyond the next to the last step at the top. Like most average consumers, I have routinely disregarded this warning. Cheryl and I spent this weekend at home. It was a weekend that we were supposed to spend with friends in Naples. Cheryl said she wasn’t feeling well all week, so we decided…
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