Kitchen Sink

Stepping out of character.

This was the weekend that I blew up my perspective of self. I spent a good chunk of Saturday pressure washing the driveway and back patio. For a few hours I morphed into someone who takes pride in outward appearances. A word of warning to those of you who may live in mildew prone areas… there is a point at which mildew won’t easily come off a concrete slab if left on too long. I have…
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Kitchen Sink

Deceit as sport.

What other day do we have a free pass to deceive? For the first time in my post college, full time working life, I pulled a prank on my coworkers. I hadn’t planned to do anything to observe April Fools Day. Instead, inspiration came in a flash. Everyone in my office has been discussing the difficulties we’re having with another state agency that provides a service for our local office.
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Kitchen Sink

We bring you tidings of comfort and joy.

Music calms the beast in us all. It was a long day – made considerably longer by forgetting my lunch in the refrigerator this morning (you try riding twenty miles back and forth to work without lunch and we’ll see how chipper you feel). Well the tyke is in bed and the wife is shopping with her mother. My stomach is finally sated and my studio headphones are firmly seated over my ears.
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Current Events

Gay TV

Stooping to a new low, I’m about to discuss the merits of “Reality TV.” I wouldn’t even be discussing the matter if it were not for Cheryl’s brush with pseudo-celebrity by proxy (re: Cheryl’s cousin Bill on a Fox “Reality TV” series: “Playing it Straight”). First, I feel compelled to rehash the “Reality TV” label discussion.
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Riding in a car with a child.

So there I was, holding a sealed container in the front passenger seat of our car, as my wife drove the last leg of our journey home. Supporting the bottom of the thin plastic container with both hands, I could feel the warm contents gently sloshing about to the rhythm of the highway. Just moments before, my daughter had gotten sick in the car, the second time she had such a bout of illness on…
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Being lost without prior knowledge.

At the risk of having to give up my key to the men’s room, I have something to admit. It turns out I didn’t have a friggin’ clue where I really was. It all started innocently enough. I was looking to improve on my last bicycle ride in New Orleans, which now holds the title “least scenic ride of my life.” I was also looking to ride a route I hadn’t taken before.
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A little real estate tip for New Orleans.

If you are ever in the market for property in New Orleans, beware of the term “waterfront.” I’ve taken two lovely rides through uptown New Orleans so far this week. Riding under a canopy of old growth trees, past the old restored homes was absolutely fabulous. Having taken essentially the same route twice I was looking for a little variety, so I went off towards the river this…
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Making a mess.

I woke up earlier than expected on our first morning in New Orleans and immediately did something new, I spilled an entire bowl of cereal on my sister’s kitchen floor. I would like everyone to know that the WORST thing to do in this situation is try and burn away the cereal with an acetylene torch. Somewhere, not too far down that list, you’ll find “vacuuming the cereal with an…
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Road trip.

It had all the makings of a great entry. Beth had been asking “are we there yet?” from New Port Richey to the Alabama/Mississippi border. Then she got out a movie and stopped. We made it through Mississippi and she didn’t ask. We made it into Louisiana and she didn’t ask. We made it across the Lake and she didn’t ask. I was ready to write all about Beth asking that…
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ComputerKitchen Sink

What does a hiatus look like?

Imagine this entry being the last entry – for the next week… We’ll be away, as it out of town, as in away from our server. While I’ll have my computer – the trusty iBook – I don’t have remote access to my web server. I could temporarily house these entries on the Apple servers (via .Mac), but that would require some effort on my part. And after those…
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