Family and Friends

Moving day.

I participated in my first move in several years this weekend. There was a time when I moved more often than I went out to eat. Lately though, there has been a welcome reprieve. However, an opportunity came up this weekend that I could not refuse: my sister was moving into her first house. I know from experience that this is a wonderfully exciting time and I just had to be there. Unfortunately for…
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Kitchen Sink

Not every ending is happy.

Why do we submit ourselves to sorrow? Life is hard enough, yet we remind ourselves that it can be harder. I’m speaking of movies that end badly. Not bad in the sense that they are poorly crafted; rather, they end on a sad note. The good guy does not prevail. Good does not defeat evil. The hero does not pull it out in the end. I’ve just finished watching such a movie, and I’m left…
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Family and Friends


John and Cheryl had been married nearly ten years, but they had know each other since high school. First they were perfect strangers, then they were friends, then more than friends (wink, wink), then man and wife, and finally mother and father. Through it all they noticed changes in each other. Cheryl grew a little sterner and more assertive. Being a law enforcement officer will do that to you.
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Kitchen Sink

One foot, two feet.

There is a great debate raging in my own mind. I can’t decide where I stand on what could well be the greatest dilemma facing mankind in the twenty-first century: “is it O.K. to walk around the office without shoes on?” I’ve said this before… like all great questions in life, the answer is definitely: “it depends”. How much do your feet smell when…
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Kitchen Sink


I have no idea what came over me. You may not know this about me, but I am not the most self assured person in the world. I may have even mentioned this a few times before (like every other entry?). I am definitely not one of those people that walks around with an air of invincibility. You’re more likely to see me avoiding eye contact as I scurry by. Well, maybe I’m not quite that bad.
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Kitchen Sink

Life lessons.

Think back to all of the lessons you learned as a growing child. There are those lessons that we all invariably have to learn the hard way. Stoves are unforgiving when they are glowing. Hard, outdoor surfaces often make good abrasives. Sliding on a wood floor is an art, not a science. There’s a really good reason for the “no jumping in the tub” rule. And then there’s my…
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Kitchen Sink


I was a little disturbed at the sight. My arms were side by side in my lap, and they didn’t look the same. Bilateral symmetry is something most people find attractive in a person, so you can understand my disappointment over losing a piece of mine. What on earth would make one arm more tan than the other? And then it hit me… I’ve been driving my car without the services of my air…
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Kitchen Sink

Drink plenty of fluids, take two aspirin, and call me in the morning.

Alert messages cascaded through the office like dominos. First, applications that no one had heard of were causing errors and being terminated by Windows. Then certain network applications stopped working. Next, the clipboard didn’t work. Finally, we were alerted that our system detected a virus and had no cure. We were calling out the progression of system failures to one another, a kind of…
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Family differences.

As Beth has grown, Cheryl has taken no pleasure in noting that Beth “is just like you John.” Beth saying something smart. Beth sitting in strange, contorted positions while watching TV. Beth exploring the limits of her abilities, improvising when necessary to achieve a goal (usually something that Cheryl doesn’t want her to do). These are all examples of when Cheryl might invoke…
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