Family and Friends

Waiting for the courage.

Have I mentioned that I am not an outgoing person? In a room with other people, silence is not my friend. Any silence tends to be awkward silence. With my family, words come out of my mouth with nary a second thought, or any prior thought for that matter. With others, words come rarely if at all. When they do they are not something to be proud of. My intelligence quotient takes a 30 point drop…
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Family and Friends

Best laid plans.

Have I mentioned that Cheryl is not a patient person? I pity anyone in her path when her patience is overtaxed. On morning two of our Spring Disney Fling, Cheryl planned to leave early for the park, sans significant other, with offspring in tow. She was going with a friend and her child. They all left around 7:30 to fetch a resort bus to the park thinking they had plenty of time. About a half an…
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Family and Friends

The wrong place at the wrong time.

I was sitting in the bathroom at work when my cell phone began to vibrate. I don’t know about you, but I’m not keen on bringing extra attention to myself when I’m sitting on the public throne. I’m loathe to do something like actually answering the phone, particularly if someone is sitting in the adjacent stall. There’s something a little to vulnerable about phone…
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Tasting the pain.

5:45 a.m. I wake up only because I am woken. 6:47 a.m. I leave for the work later than I wanted to and earlier than I wanted to, all at the same time. 7:10 a.m. I arrive at work. 8:00 a.m. I notice that my nose is running. 10 a.m. I notice that my face hurts. 12:10 p.m. I sense the same nasal stuff running in the back of my throat and mouth. 1:30 p.m. – 3:25 p.m. (at five minute intervals) I…
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Kitchen Sink


There are some things in this world that I refuse to do. I will not spank my child. I will not listen to country/western music. I will not share eating utensils with others. I will not buy another american car. I will not eat reheated leftovers. Wait a minute… no leftovers? Yes, you heard me right. With almost religious fervor, I have resisted countless overtures to box up, refrigerate, and…
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Kitchen Sink

I looked across the room, and what did I see?

I was at my doctor’s office for my weekly allergy shot. In front of me, in line to check out, was a mother and her little girl. The woman sitting behind the desk was chatting up the mother, but I have no idea what they were talking about. Normally this would not be terribly interesting, and it still isn’t, but I am going somewhere with this. My spider sense tingled when I heard one of…
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Family and Friends

Would you like to think about it?

It is the middle of the afternoon and I am taking advantage of my fifteen minute, after lunch break. This is a rare occurrence. I’m taking advantage of this time granted to me by my employer to think about what I want to do tonight. This is not normally a concern on a Wednesday afternoon, but then this is not my ordinary Wednesday afternoon. Today has some extra significance. No, I’m…
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Going for Broke

You win some and you loose some, but you still get a cool car.

I won the buy/lease debate. I lost the small car/big car debate. We bought a Honda CR-V, the little SUV. We bought the bottom of the line, no extras added version; but it still came with plenty of powered accessories: power windows, power door locks, cruise control, et al. It was also my first experience haggling over price, and the first time something I said elicited something like an angry…
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