It’s the time of year when the weather begs you to come outside. After the kids have gone to bed and Cheryl’s pain meds have kicked in for the night, this is where I hide for a few hours. Sometimes I write. Sometimes I just browse through the news. Sometimes I just stop and listen for a while. You can’t escape the sound of cars here, and they’re always there – the…
Why do I even need to blog from my phone? Isn’t it bad enough I spend a chunk of my PC time writting? Now I’ve got to encourage a repetitive motion injury in my thumbs typing on my phone?
You should know that I don’t like to use the “PC” acronym here, which implies Windows, and all the evil associated with that label.
Yes, I do. I did some blogging lite before, when I…
Our governor seems like he’s working really hard to be our best friend this week. Today he announced he was closing all state offices on 12/26 and 1/2, giving us all two consectutive four day weekends. This doubles the number of holiday hours we normally get (next week).
They say you shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth. I never quite got that by the way – do horses have a…
Our Governor released a statement this week floating a few propsals to fill the 2 billion shortfall in tax revenues we’ve got. Among them was a proposal to send state workers on a two week, unpaid vacation.
Personally, I think it’s a great idea. It’ll cost me some money I don’t have (ha ha) but it’s been so long since I’ve had any kind of decent vacation (not…
Warning! My potty mouth comes out of storage for this one.
We got the official fuck-off letter from the other guy’s insurance company the other day. I can’t say I wasn’t expecting it, but it was still a bit maddening. The dude had the minimum amount of insurance required by law, which apparently dates back to when a dollar was still a lot of money… back when change…