
It's been too long

I know this is going to sound crazy, but I ate my first PB&J in several years this afternoon. Yeah, I know that you’re thinking. How can someone who loves peanut butter as much as a guy like me live without a staple for so long? Don’t get me wrong, I haven’t forsaken the creamy peanut stuff. I’ve had plenty of grilled peanut butter sandwiches in the mean time. What can…
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Family and Friends

Slow mo

Adam is a lot like a lot of other 3-4 year olds: he has one speed (hint: it isn’t slow). Earlier this evening we were getting close to the little one’s bed time and I was hoping to slow things down a little. That was when I decided to put a little Kauffman ingenuity to the test. We’d been having a marathon father-son goof-ball session and my super slow-motion routine was a hit.
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Red Belt

Beth brought her new red belt home tonight. Now she starts down the home stretch to her black belt. In her school, red is the last colored belt. There are two intermediate levels which can take six months each to achieve before she’d begin final preparation to test for her black belt. She’s a little worried about having enough time to get in training, with her academic schedule already…
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The Sunshine State

Hurricane day

The track is leaning back to the east, so if it holds we’ll probably be spared most of Fay’s oomph. Older sister is right in the thick of things again though (this will be their first storm since Katrina – not that this will/could be anything approaching that). Just in case there’s a Charlie like shift in track, public schools, the courts, and most local and state offices…
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The Sunshine State

There seems to be a pattern here

Would you believe me if I told you the two day forecast track doesn’t bother me either? Personally, this forecast seems like the worst one yet, and not just because it’s 48 hours out. As most residents of the gulf coast will tell you (many of us are amateur meteorologists), the northeast quadrant of the storm is typically the worst. In any case, we’re now officially under a…
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The Sunshine State

Old hat

In some ways 2004 was a rotten year. We were peppered with hurricanes and tropical storms, Cheryl had to stay home on bed rest due to an at risk pregnancy, and to top it off… Bush won a second term that November. Sitting around waiting for the 11am, 5pm, and 11pm updates from the National Hurricane Center brings back some memories – but not all bad though. A very pregnant Cheryl…
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Current EventsThe Sunshine State

The three day track still ain't gospel, but...

I was just checking the county elevation maps – you know, just for kicks – no real reason. I noticed we’re eleven meters above sea level. Woo-hoo! We went out tonight to refresh our supply of batteries and non-perishibles, to try and beat the rush. If the track still put’s it here Tuesday in tomorrow’s forecasts, we’ll probably start to see the stores&#8217…
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BethFamily and Friends

Don't you dare

It wasn’t exactly a surprise. Although I’d never seen it happen before, we’d known he’d done it recently at a friend’s house. Still, I was only able to stifle my response due to near superhuman control of my airways and vocal cords. I felt my diaphragm spasm, putting a fair bit of pressure on my lips and nose, but I’m proud of the fact I have a little self…
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Current EventsThe Sunshine State

Here we go again

There’s been a lot of talk in the news here recently that hurricane season was about to giddy-up. Sure enough, look what arrived in my inbox this afternoon: A few months ago Cheryl and I were talking about what it would be like to live in Vermont. I think I might be willing to trade severe tropical weather for a little cold air in the winter. I say a little like it’s a trifling…
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