

For no particular reason, I was thinking about the things that I do poorly the other day. (You may be reading this and thinking about the same thing.) Last night I got on my bike and everything got a whole lot better. I’ve missed bicycling. I’ve never tried meditation, but I wonder if my bike has a similar effect (on me). I hop on my bike, start peddling, and for long stretches I lose…
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Purple Belt

Beth is a champ. She missed her opportunity to test with the rest of her group last week in Tae Kwon Do, so we sprung for the private test. In my mind, the “private” test is a bit misleading. When you test with the group, you do the form as a group. When you take a “private” test, you do it by yourself; but you’re still doing it in front of the entire class (just not…
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Kitchen Sink

The President's Weekly Radio Address

Here’s a little something I that made me laugh, when I really needed to this morning: November 3, 2007: Congressional Urge October 6, 2007: A New War September 29, 2007: Our Sick Children September 22, 2007: Saving the Loaners September 8, 2007: Down Under And for you Nixon fans, my favorite: September 1, 2007: Richard M. Nixon A word of warning. Some of this stuff can just as easily make…
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Going for Broke

Paid Off

Those are two beautiful words. I’m not saying this because I’m a lobbyist (I’m not by the way). Those two words are significant because we paid off our magnificent iMac today, courtesy of a bonus that appeared in our checking account today (and well deserved, if you’re willing to take my admittedly biased word for it). I’d feel better if we’d paid off the cars…
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Kitchen Sink

I was last to get picked in kickball* too...

I was tagged. This is what I’m supposed to do: 1) Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog 2) Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself 3) Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs 4) Let each person know that they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog. I’m in a tough spot because I live my life…
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Blog flashback: January 2002

I was reading through some of my early entries (those occasional posts to the old site, which eventually became this blog), and I ran across this gem from the early Beth years. Remember when Beth was four? I do, sort of. What a kid she’s growing up to be. It defies explanation… or more accurately, it defies my ability to explain. Follow this link to the post: “One tooth, three…
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Kitchen Sink

Binge eating versus... eating a little bit at a time, over a period of time

I was racking my brain over an antonym for binge, and you can see that I gave up. If you let them, sometimes the littlest things will drive you mad. I had a sudden burst of stubbornness, and refused to break out the thesaurus. Anyhoo, with Halloween come and gone, I was wondering what the healthiest way to eat a lot of candy is. It goes without saying that the healthiest thing would be to give the…
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