PoliticsThe Sunshine State

Nothing new to see here… just the silly way we elect a president

I’m quite the cynic this morning… The two party political system has been in Florida news a lot lately. The reason? Florida has entered the absurd race to hold one of the nation’s first presidential primaries. Florida’s decision to enter the fray is particularly silly, since the Florida date is decided by the Florida state legislature, and they’re only in session for…
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Kitchen Sink

An endorsement for Logitech

Do you get soreness in your shoulder from all the lateral movement associated with “mousing.” If so, you might want to try a trackball. I was a victim of repetitive motion, and the havoc it can wreak on your joints. It had gotten to the point that ibuprofen warranted it’s own line in our budget. A while back I decided to try a different tack. I picked up a twenty dollar track…
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Kitchen Sink

Stats, more stats, and being googled

Those of you lured in by my title (no doubt statistics junkies one and all) are in for a little disappointment… there’s no rhyme or reason behind my titles, I just go with the first thing that pops into my head, wether it makes sense or not. One of my guilty pleasures is pulling up the stats on this site, provided by WordPress. I say “guilty” because I feel like I’m…
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Family and Friends


Written 8/18 and forgotten… I know it’s a coping strategy – wholly reasonable and acceptable by most standards, but I feel guilty. This morning when the kids woke up I wanted to play, share their youthful enthusiasm, and take heart from the knowledge that some of that enthusiasm was because of me. This morning when my wife was quietly reading the news, sipping her coffee, I snuck…
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Family and Friends

Channeling the spirits of Kauffmans past

There aren’t many comments as likely to draw my dinner table ire than “I want to save room for desert.” There are few times when I feel such a close kinship with my father. (Based on the title, you may think my father is deceased. He’s not, but I figure there’s a better than even chance he got it from his father too.) I can’t decide if I object to the comment…
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Apples everywhere

I am not a zealot. Really. I recognize there’s such a thing as personal preference. There was even one time when I recommended a Windows PC (over a Mac) to someone. As it happens, that person has regretted taking my advice ever since, but I digress. Trapped in an office filled with Michael Dell’s evil spawn, I kid with my office mates about our choice of computers, but it’s all…
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BethFamily and Friends

Proving nothing

There are lots of studies that prove nothing, but how often do you see them reported in the news? Actually, this is an important study in one respect… it’s proof that I was right (restoring the natural order), and it’s timely (given the start of school today – in these parts): it makes no difference wether Beth does her homework on her bed. Here’s to me. McClatchy…
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Another first day

I brought my daughter to school today, continuing a five year trend. Summer vacation ended, and fifth grade started today. Every year I feel really bad that summer vacation is over. While I want them to go to school and soak up every last bit of wisdom, I want them to be happy too… and who doesn’t think summer vacation is fun? Last year I did a mental double-take realizing Beth was…
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Family and Friends

Apogee revisited

I got another call from my father. He got another call from my mother. She’s had another sudden recovery. My dad is overjoyed. I think I disappointed him with my reaction… cautious and skeptical. “That’s cool, but I’d like to see it last more than a day.” I said. My new family title: killjoy. Queue the light-bulb… mom stops taking medication (or takes it…
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