There are good reasons and bad, reasons that are easy to understand and others that are harder to appretiate. When you put them together you get someone who’s found it hard to find joy in anything. You get me.
Saturday night was an exception. Two days later I’m back in the emotional valley, but the memory of our evening out still has the power to make a smile.
We’d done a…
Cheryl and I rarely go out alone. We have all the usual excuses: kids, work, and the like. But we also have another thing: an unexplainable attraction to misfortune.
I won’t bore you with an unabridged list, but here are some of my favorites:
During a summer break from UF, not long after we started dating, we planned a trip to the northeast. A few days before we were supposed to leave I…
If you’re one of the one or two folks who’ve been coming around for a while, this picture may look a little familiar…
I used an edited version of the above picture as part of the theme for an early version of our web site.
Cheryl loved this photo (below)… for about 1.23 seconds. Then she smacked me for closing my eyes. I wonder if I could Photoshop me some open ones?
I hadn’t thought about it before, but a card that came in the mail today struck me as odd.
“Congratulations!” it said.
I’ve said it to other people on their anniversary – many times. But today, at this moment, it seems off… somehow not quite appropriate. It makes wedding anniversaries sound like some kind of endurance award, doesn’t it? You don’t…
As you could guess, this is another one of my father’s test scans. It’s another reason I’m eager to get over there and do more. I have few pictures of my grandparents, and I haven’t seen the ones my father has in ages (it’s a chore to haul out the projector, and I’ve never been satisfied with the simpler “hold it up to a light and squint” method of…
When we were four
Originally uploaded by jkauffman
Once again my father has upstaged me in our computer arms race. It seems that every time I buy a computer he buys a better one. To be fair, our replacement cycles are similarly modest, he earns more money, and his computing needs are more robust… but come on dad! Give a nerd a break.
Well this time he didn’t get another…
I reached a new low two weeks ago. My patience wore through and no amount of sympathy or understanding was going to save me.
We were sitting in church and Beth’s verbal ticks were firing on all cylinders. They were loud enough that I had trouble hearing the lessons being read, so I tried asking Beth to lower her voice. We think she has some conscious control over the behavior because she…
A few months ago Cheryl called the Honda dealership asking if they’d be willing to make a deal on a Civic Hybrid.
“Nope,” they said, “those babies are selling themselves. We’re not making any deals on hybrids.”
This weekend Cheryl got an email from the sales manager, telling her they’d knock $4k off the price. It’s actually tempting. Cheryl told us…
The obvious place to start is Cheryl, the recently cut open.
The doctor said she’d have a rough weekend and she did. Hoo-ray for the wisdom granted those who study modern medicine!
It’s supposed to start getting better this week, so maybe we’re almost in the clear. It seems like the end is near. I mean that in a good way, but with every bit of sarcasm mixed in you can muster. In…