
Red Belt

Beth brought her new red belt home tonight. Now she starts down the home stretch to her black belt. In her school, red is the last colored belt. There are two intermediate levels which can take six months each to achieve before she’d begin final preparation to test for her black belt. She’s a little worried about having enough time to get in training, with her academic schedule already…
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BethFamily and Friends

Don't you dare

It wasn’t exactly a surprise. Although I’d never seen it happen before, we’d known he’d done it recently at a friend’s house. Still, I was only able to stifle my response due to near superhuman control of my airways and vocal cords. I felt my diaphragm spasm, putting a fair bit of pressure on my lips and nose, but I’m proud of the fact I have a little self…
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Teaching limits

This one’s another entry that sat unfinished for a while. I’m not sure why I admit to these things. I’ve said it before, but I can’t say often enough: I’m really proud of my daughter. She has a beautiful mind; but as sometimes happens, hers comes with a few quirks. Throw in a few genetic bumps and you’ll see a road to academic success that hasn’t always…
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Family and Friends

No network means mo' blogging!

This Sunday I had three weddings on my mind. I attended mass with my Catholic in-laws for the second time since my infamous Orlando walkout. If I said it was the first time it would sound a lot more impressive, unless you knew I was lying. We were taking on mass to celebrate Cheryl’s parents’ forty-fifth anniversary. That’s pretty cool, but just being in the church brought back…
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Family and Friends

The trap

Most of you are familiar with the concept of a trap. It’s generally someplace you don’t want to be. If you are there’s often no way out… or if there is, it involves pain. I’ll draw a picture for you in fifteen words or less. “John, why didn’t you have Adam do his homework when you got home?” Point of clarification: Adam was in bed and the assignment…
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More of Beth's pics

Once again, these pictures suffer a bit from being printed and re-scanned (gotta work out an arrangement to get the source files home from school)… not to mention my poor Photoshop skills. Still, we think they’re pretty cool. Beth’s caption reads: Sunshine It shines beautifully through the tree It’s really peaceful for you and me Beth’s caption reads: The tree…
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BethCurrent Events

May Discovery Launch

Beth’s been on me to post this for a while, but I was having trouble with a WordPress plugin for embedding QuickTime video. I could have gone the YouTube route, but that’s not nearly as fun as capturing the video from the DVR myself (nor as legally gray). I never get tired of watching manned mission launches. I’ve never seen one live up close, but night launches are stunning even…
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Family and Friends

I'm still growing

What kind of day would you think I had if I told you I spent the evening running after my kid, and cleaning up one mess after another? Would you believe me if I told you it was damn near perfect? I’m wicked tired, but it’s worth it. As usual, I rolled out of the office at 3:30, picked up Adam, and got back to the house a little after four. He helped me get the laundry started, then I…
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