Where do I start?
Do I start with the headaches that are churning my brain into applesauce? Do I start with the fever I’m chillin’ with? Do I start with the Rays: a source of great joy and greater sadness in one evening? Do I start with the allergic reaction to an antibiotic, which has turned my clothing into an “aggressive interrogation” device? Do I start with the nurse…
Like many of my fellow vertebrates, I’m particularly protective of my head. It’s evolutionary my dear Watson.
Like many of my fellow sentients*, my behavior is not always perfectly consistent with my fears or beliefs. It’s what we call rationalization.
None of this has anything to do with what follows… I thought I’d tie it in somehow, but it didn’t pan out.
So I…
If my skin were a character on TV, it would have to be Archie Bunker. My skin is so irritable… oh who cares, we’ll just say it’s pretty fracking irritable and move on.
It turns out my skin is particularly irritated by some bandages. “Elementary my dear simpleton,” you may be thinking, “it’s the latex.” Here’s the rub, bub. Several brands of…
1. I very likely have cancer, and I’m wicked tired.
2. My back hurts… just because it often does… but also because of that damn bone marrow biopsy (although that could just be in my head).
3. Cheryl’s back is thoroughly out of whack, putting her completely out of commission.
4. It has been a fabulous day outside today (and I’ve spent all of it inside).
5. I’m a…
I’ve run across all kinds of folks on my virtual travels recently, one of which suggested a piece of software I hadn’t heard about. That’s really the beauty of the internet – there’s all kinds of stuff out there you hadn’t heard about.
This post serves no greater purpose than to fiddle… and to exercise my fingers a bit (they’re the only things that…
**Note: although money is discussed in this entry, it’s not primarily about money. There are few things in this world that I need which I don’t already have. By that measure I feel very fortunate.
Chances are you don’t know me, but because of today’s political climate I’ll bet I could tell you one thing about me and you’d instantly think you did.
I work for the…
I’ve just now discovered a reason why I should not let my children play in my bedroom; although I must admit I share some of the blame.
It has to do with the way I lay my head to sleep… usually in an unsubtle manner. Imagine plopping your head down, expecting a soft pillow… only to find that some enterprising toddler has apparently found a new sibling-proof hiding spot for his…
“Yo, body! What do you make of this time change?”
“Not much; and that’s ‘Mr. Body’ to you.”
“That’s awfully formal for someone you can’t live without. What’s wrong, you can’t handle the time difference? It’s not like you didn’t know it was coming. I’ve been telling you for months it was…
Phlegm is one of my favorite words in the english language. It has so much going for it, besides the obvious comedic value. Its got the “f” sounding “ph.” It has the unpronounced consonants that the francophile in all of us adore. It rolls of the tongue as smooth as a choice obscenity.
What’s not to like about phlegm? Did you know that phlegm is tied to…