“Yo, body! What do you make of this time change?”
“Not much; and that’s ‘Mr. Body’ to you.”
“That’s awfully formal for someone you can’t live without. What’s wrong, you can’t handle the time difference? It’s not like you didn’t know it was coming. I’ve been telling you for months it was…
Earlier this evening I was sitting in a room on a psychiatric ward during visiting hours, when a few other visitors arrived (to see another patient, assigned to the other bed in the room). A middle aged man looked into the room from the doorway, and at the person I was visiting. He said to his companion, “oh look, the wacko is in here.” His companion gave him a shush and shoved him out…
We here at the Kauffman Household (v. 2.2.2) dislike the Spring Forward phenomenon, more popularly referred to as “Daylight Savings Time.” Accordingly, we’ve decided to pull an Arizona and opt-out. That’s right friends, the Kauffman Household will be on standard time year round!
There are a few kinks I’ve yet to work out (soliciting special considerations from my…
When folks in government talk about our reliance on oil, why does it seem like there’s constant chatter about fuel cells? Why are we waiting on hydrogen fuel cells when we can do something now? Here’s the cynic/realist perspective (you get to choose which one): fuel cells are twenty years from production/wide spread use, and that’s a lot of time to put off tough economic…
Phlegm is one of my favorite words in the english language. It has so much going for it, besides the obvious comedic value. Its got the “f” sounding “ph.” It has the unpronounced consonants that the francophile in all of us adore. It rolls of the tongue as smooth as a choice obscenity.
What’s not to like about phlegm? Did you know that phlegm is tied to…
There’s a sign on the inside of the door to my office (not my door, but the main door) which says:
During Flu Season: 1. cover your mouth when you cough, 2. wash your hands often….
Pretty common sense stuff, right? ‘Tis better to infect a single hand than the air we share. Or is it? What becomes of this hand? Do you rush off to the bathroom to disinfect, with the greater good…
From an outsider’s perspective, it seems nursing homes, psych-wards, and to a lesser extent – hospitals (in general) share a common theme: much of the staff dispense kindness as if it comes in a box from the supply room. I don’t say this because I think these are bad people. I’m sure a big part of it is the environment… cue to the reader… this is my main point.
Foreword: The author wishes to make it clear at the outset that he does not intend to advocate one position over the other in this entry. This entry’s sole purpose is one of (semi-public) self-exploration, in light of his position of indecision. This also serves as a word (or twenty) of warning: I may be about to treat serious issues with less gravitas than is warranted.
What does it mean to…
I’ve got this great big window in my office, looking out on Tampa Bay from the third floor. This is not idle bragging, it’s critical information, the absence of which renders this entry less meaningful than usual. People new to my office tend to stare a wee bit. More often than not their eyes take in a framed sign I have posted on the sill (which looks exactly like a horizontal metal…
Ancient Sumerians are thought to have believed in a place called Irkalla. The ancient Greeks knew of a place called Tartarus. The Hebrew bible refers to Sheol and Gehenna. Islamic traditions (and possibly the Koran – I haven’t taken the time to research it much) refer to Jahannam. Christianity – and much of modern western civilization – call this place Hell. We all have a…