
Focus - schmocus

You must be familiar with the “working hard, getting nothing done” phenomenon. Approximately 99.92 percent of the working, adult population will suffer this phenomenon at some point during the average work-day. I’ll bet you didn’t know that, along with being a noted Physicist, Newton also dabbled in the social sciences. One of his self proclaimed “Adapted Laws of…
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Kitchen Sink

A natural beauty

I was driving through an area of new development, no easy feat in my neck of urban sprawl, when I spied the ironic name of a new development: “Restoration.” What are they restoring? I’m glad I asked. I’ve heard that this previously wooded hill was once the site of the world’s first known, concrete foundation dwellings, constructed by an off-shoot of the Seminole…
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Cold snap

Colds, illness and allergies are running rampant through the Kauffman Household (v 2.2.1). There’s a flip side to a saying… “Anything that doesn’t make you stronger will only kill you.” Ah, now that’s a relief. Oh, this is also the time of year when all of the optimism of spring training… is shattered by terrible D-Rays pitching. With a couple of…
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Finding your depth

Do you have an actor, in your repertoire of actors, that puts you off on their first appearance in a trailer? (Bonus points if you can guess whether I spelled that French word right on the first try!) Take that sentence, take it back 50 years, and I’ll bet you no one knows what the hell I’m talking about. For the full effect, you’ve got to read the following sentence in a…
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Current Events

Just one more thing…

To my boss, if he’s out there right now… I think I might be a little late tomorrow after all. Reality is going to take at least another 30 minutes to catch up, then probably another hour to calm down. That should put me somewhere around one, one-thirty or so. That’s only about, oh… four hours past my bedtime. On second thought, I’ll just stop by Starbucks and pick up…
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Family and Friends

More self evident truths

There are certain, inalienable rights; among them life, liberty, and the pursuit of televised coverage of your team’s presence in a semi-final OR final championship game. Set the way back machine to Saturday night, and take a stroll through my life with me… It’s nearing bed time and my wife has the haggard look of a single mother after a double shift of bedtime prep.
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