Kitchen Sink

Changing lanes

I was driving to work, and I was late. I was pulling onto the highway and signaled my intent to switch lanes. Alumni from the New York School of Big City Driving know that this was my first mistake. Signaling, turning your head, making eye contact, or any other means of contact with the driver behind you is a sign of weakness; and you know what a predator does with the weak member of the herd…
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Say it isn’t so!

The forecast for Hades today calls for a high around twenty-eight degrees, with a chance for light snow flurries by evening. Those of you coming across the river (Styx) this morning need to watch out for some ice on the bridges. Otherwise, it should be a pleasant change from all of the hot weather we’ve been having over the last few millennia. I had an appointment with a chiropractor. To…
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Kitchen Sink

On the radio this morning

This entry started with a comment made on NPR. Frank Deford appears on NPR once a week to provide a piece of commentary on sports. This week he made an appearance in the studio for a brief interview in which he discussed the sporting events he’s following this summer. Near the end of the interview he was asked if he was following baseball, and he replied that he was following Baltimore…
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Current Events

One last thing about the hurricane, then I won’t bring it up again

Cheryl and I were talking about it last night, and one of the things we discussed was damage and the loss of life associated with this storm. While I would never wish a storm like this on anyone, let alone on myself, I couldn’t help but wonder if we would have fared better. The news seemed preoccupied with Tampa Bay, and how we were going to finally get “the big one.” Little…
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BicyclingThe Sunshine StateWellbeing

A new week’s resolution

The bike is back, baby! They say that one day of exercise is better than none, and we’ll be testing that theory this week, or so it seems. What began as a week filled with promise is slowly degenerating into this summer’s pattern: when it’s not raining there’s something that needs to be done with a car. Yesterday? Lower back pain induced by hurricane preparations. Today?
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Current Events

Welcome back to reality

The last several days seem like a surrealistic haze. A hurricane will do that to you. I spent Wednesday wondering if a storm would come this way. I spent Thursday walking around thinking about how much my surroundings would change in the next day or two. Thursday afternoon my employer let us off early to get ready for the storm. I went home and asked my wife if she thought I should skip the…
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Current Events

Battery run

My office is empty, or nearly so. Here’s a scene from my office earlier this morning, “Yeah, they’re expecting it to be a category two storm by the time it makes its forecasted landfall in the Tampa Bay area sometime tomorrow afternoon” “Wait a minute; you’re saying there’s a hurricane?” The office emptied out faster than you could say…
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Kitchen Sink

The calm before the tropical weather advisory

I really wish it would just rain already. It’s been three weeks since I last rode my bike to work. We’ve had three weeks of high rain probabilities and sporadic engagements that require my car during the day. Yet the last several days have been mostly sunny, and it’s driving me bonkers. The sun has been shining in my window all morning, uninterrupted, mocking me. Don’t you…
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