Here’s another great question facing humanity in the 21st century… how often should we eat? Is it better to pig out at breakfast and lunch, then moderate you dinner; or, is it better to eat a whole bunch of little meals – aka: nibbling. Does it make any difference? What if you can’t stand going that long between meals? If I eat breakfast before I leave for work, I’m…
One day Cheryl will read this entry and get angry. There are several, sure fire means of procuring an invitation to sleep on our old bed in the spare room (I knew it was a good idea to keep a spare, king sized bed). This entry may well become an example of one.
Somewhere, there is a fine line between good old fashioned cleanliness, and obsession/compulsion. Poor Cheryl is nowhere near that line.
I have used this space in the past to describe my families oath of allegiance to the blue light retailer. Over the last 10 years, the retailer, and my families allegiance to it, has been in decline. First, there was the declining stock price. Then there was the bankruptcy. Then there was the lousy service, and the crummy products. Then there was the great divestiture.
Now comes the final straw.
It’s past my bedtime on a work night and I’m still awake; a perfect time to grab my handy-dandy iBook and let my fingers do some talking. I would really like to share some good advise I got from a friend, the only problem is said friend makes up half of my readership. Oh hell, if it benefits even one person it will all be worth while. Of course that’s the best I could hope to do…
Your foot makes an odd sound when it taps on a fake wood, laminate floor. It doesn’t sound like wood. It doesn’t sound like plastic. It sounds just like a piece of particle board sitting on top of a thin sponge. Why on earth am I talking about the acoustics of my living room floor? (Insert you favorite line about readership here.)
Waiting at home, instead of work, waiting for a meeting…
“This is Bright House Networks, how can I help you?”
“I’m having a problem with my cable box.”
“What kind of problem are you having with your cable box?”
“I can’t watch cable TV.”
“Can you be more specific?”
“This is where I’m supposed to describe my…
Do you know what it means to “put out fires”? I’m talking about the metaphorical kind. There is a kind of thrill to spending your entire day running around putting out fires. Due to low self-esteem, I get a kick out of the fact that people think enough of me to let me try to put them out. Silly, silly me! How easily I am duped! Also, the day seems to fly. No day moves faster than…
My wife is in the front seat. She looks back at Beth who has just said something. It appears it was amusing. Cheryl looks happy, a mischievous smile on her face. She says something to Beth that I can’t hear. Joe starts to laugh. Annette reaches a hand from the steering wheel and gives Cheryl’s knee a mock slap. We’ve turned the corner. The trials of the morning have been left at…
On the road to Sarasota, we struggle to learn the lesson of sharing with others. There is one DVD player with sound system in the car. The adults want to talk. The child wants to watch a movie. The person that fits somewhere in between wants to listen to iTunes. The child doesn’t like to watch movies with distractions. The ‘tweener doesn’t want to listen to any of the above.
You’ve heard of tryptophan, the culprit long suspected of putting the turkey eating hordes to sleep on Thanksgiving. What I want to know is, why didn’t anyone suspect the alcohol? Come now, get a bunch of American families together once a year for a holiday “good time” – and you’re telling me no one is going to go heavy on the silly sauce? What’s more…