Adam’s had a bike in waiting almost from the day he was born (a hand-me-down from a friend). It spent a lot of its time neglected on the front porch – until one afternoon I decided its time was nearing. Then it came inside to live with its brother and sisters.
This weekend I mustered enough enthusiasm and energy to take Adam for a helmet fitting and drag out my repair stand and tools.
What would you do if your wife told you there were too many computers in the house? Could you bring yourself to get rid of a few? What if they were more than just computers… but Macs? So what if they’re just taking up space, or the bedroom is beginning to look like a storage shed. These little guys are members of the family. You don’t kick family out of the house when they stop…
The effect was fleeting but appreciated. I finally made an appointment to see a new oncologist and she was really nice.
I’m always nervous about seeing a new doctor. They play an important role in life and I’m afraid of getting one I don’t like or trust. The logical thing to do when this happens is switch, but I usually don’t – not for a while anyway. In fact…
I’m feeling up and down right now, and that’s the problem. I’m up four hours before I’m supposed to wake up for work (it’s a little past 2am here as I write this), and I’ve yet to get a whiff of sleep. I’m up because I’m down, for reasons I can explain and others I can’t.
The last few weeks have been tough. The last few months have been tough…
Some people hate bagpipes. I love ’em. The European settlers of what is now Dunedin were from Scotland, and their influence survives today.
The high school had a pipe band. They made Friday night an event – even if you weren’t interested in football. If their music didn’t get your heart beating faster, marching on and off the field, you didn’t have one to begin with.
There are good reasons and bad, reasons that are easy to understand and others that are harder to appretiate. When you put them together you get someone who’s found it hard to find joy in anything. You get me.
Saturday night was an exception. Two days later I’m back in the emotional valley, but the memory of our evening out still has the power to make a smile.
We’d done a…
Cheryl and I rarely go out alone. We have all the usual excuses: kids, work, and the like. But we also have another thing: an unexplainable attraction to misfortune.
I won’t bore you with an unabridged list, but here are some of my favorites:
During a summer break from UF, not long after we started dating, we planned a trip to the northeast. A few days before we were supposed to leave I…
If you’re one of the one or two folks who’ve been coming around for a while, this picture may look a little familiar…
I used an edited version of the above picture as part of the theme for an early version of our web site.
Cheryl loved this photo (below)… for about 1.23 seconds. Then she smacked me for closing my eyes. I wonder if I could Photoshop me some open ones?