CancerCurrent EventsPolitics

Part-time cynic

If best intentions hold steady, I’ll be returning to work in some capacity in less than a week’s time. A week is an important psychological boundary for me. When I thought to myself, “I’ve still got a week before I need to go back,” I felt comfortable in knowing that no matter how tired I felt at the moment, I still had a significant amount of time to build up…
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The Sunshine StateTravel

One morning

My glaring weakness as an office bound civil servant is my penchant for daydreaming. Something catches my eye, stirs a memory, and away I go… off to lands far and wide. It can happen at home just as easily as at work. In fact, I just got back from a flight from the inner realm a little earlier this evening. The catalyst for tonight’s journey was a photograph I took on a weekend…
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Family and Friends

Are DVDs dishwasher safe?

Long ago we realized that our DVD collection would take up less space in one of those CD books. Cheryl and I wouldn’t have so many movies we’d need a book, were it not for the kids. I’ve long ago lost count how many times we’ve watched Toy Story, and I’m getting there with Cars. Anyway, last night our climbing prodigy scaled Mount Counter-Top to reach the shelf…
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CancerGoing for Broke

Beware of area code 352

My wife thinks I’m being silly. But that’s not news. My latest adventure down the road to lunacy involves my alma mater: The University of Florida. It was about mid-April when I received my very first solicitation for money. “Can we count on your donation of $1000?” If I had been drinking it would have shot from my nose in a fountain of incredulity. “Ah…
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Family and Friends

Wii-Day + 1

I mentioned yesterday that we got a Wii last night; part of an early “Father’s Day” celebration. Today I can offer my unpaid endorsement of the Wii. Much of what I’ve read about the Wii suggests that it was designed for a wider demographic than other video game consoles, such as the Xbox and Playstation. After this afternoon I can tell you that if my family is any…
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CancerFamily and Friends

She’s killing me with kindness

If you’ve read any of my previous posts, you know all about cancerboy… so I won’t rehash my physical condition to date. But keeping it in mind, how do you suppose my body would respond to a sudden spike in physical activity? That’s where my wife comes in. She thought it would be a great idea to get me a Wii for father’s day. She gave it to me tonight so we’d all…
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PowerBook or MacBook Pro?

There is no question which one I’d choose given the choice… I’ll take a MacBook Pro please. Still, there’s something about my PowerBook. Look no further than the name… now that’s gravitas baby! I suppose with a name like PowerBook, there was nowhere to go but down. You know what this was really about? I was just reading about my cousin’s infatuation with…
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CancerFamily and FriendsGenealogy

Slow and steady

Today was the first day since the chemotherapy started that I can honestly say I enjoyed. No, the cancerboy isn’t back to 100 percent; not even 75 if truth be told. There was this unfortunate incident with a plunger and a toilet that I don’t even want to talk about, other than to say the ordeal left me physically drained. Although, working out your plumbing related issues with the…
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This is home

Friday was a strange day. I had spent the last two weeks in a single isolated room. Despite the disruptions, the rhythmic noises of the hospital slowly became what was “normal.” Then just as abruptly as the hospital stay began, it ended. When I got home nothing seemed normal anymore. Everything was off, down to the smell. I asked Cheryl if she’d sprayed something or changed any…
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I read an article from the Orlando Sentinel recently (around the time the Rays were playing a series against the Texas Rangers in Orlando), which pointed to the lack of attendence at Rays games as evidence that Tampa Bay was “overextended” as a region with professional sports franchises. Then I noticed that the Marlins drew a whopping 11,525 for today’s game against the Rays. So…
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