How many of you started reading this post thinking it was criminal justice related? Come on, give it up. You thought this was another political rant, didn’t you?
No friends, this one’s just fluff… a cotton-candy piece, if you will.
What I really want to know is this: has the wiring of the brain of a three-year-old boy gelled enough to pick his own paint color for his room? I ask…
There aren’t many things that make me feel more fallible as a parent than trying to be one with a hum-dinger of a headache. There aren’t many things that make me feel much better than my kids showing me it doesn’t matter.
I woke up from a nap on Saturday with Beth kneeling next to me, asking “Are you feeling better dad?” You know what? I was. She’d asked me that…
Every now and again I sit down with my PowerBook and an entry for this blog almost writes itself. It doesn’t happen very often, but it’s a rush when it does.
This entry was not one of them.
I’ve sat down half a dozen times, trying to get this one out, but it just won’t go. Maybe I’ve just got to practice some tough love. Maybe it’s time to kick it out the door…
I’m making the drive up to the State Hospital in Chatahoochee to see my mother this weekend. I’m not worried that the 12 hours in a car will do me much harm, but the exposure to germs gives me pause. Still, it’s been five months since I’ve seen my mother. I simply can’t stay away any longer.
I haven’t checked the weather yet, but it could be interesting.
Beth is a champ.
She missed her opportunity to test with the rest of her group last week in Tae Kwon Do, so we sprung for the private test. In my mind, the “private” test is a bit misleading. When you test with the group, you do the form as a group. When you take a “private” test, you do it by yourself; but you’re still doing it in front of the entire class (just not…