Kitchen Sink

Tick tock.

Stare a the keyboard. Stare at the playful kids. Glance at the magazine headlines. Think about writing. Admire the reflection of the lights on the windows. Wonder where they got their wallpaper. Feel the texture of the carpet under your foot. Wiggle your toes to get that irritating piece of sock out from between them. Look around casually for a good time to pull your pants from between your…
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Kitchen Sink


Your team is behind by one with less than five minutes to go. There is a large crowd but they are all just two steps above ambivalent. Disappointment lurks in the background but it is not foremost on masses minds. Everyone is waiting for something to happen to make them care, to give them hope. One minute is left. You are disappointed. Streaks are coming to an end. You haven’t been to many…
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Kitchen Sink

Trying to be nice.

You know what they say, if you’ve got to try… I was finishing up the self appointed task of tidying up the family room. Mind you this was not a run of the mill tidying; but a furniture rearranging, inventory sorting, junk tossing, lifestyle assessing rumble in the jungle. Did I mention that I didn’t eat lunch? The next thing I know I’m driving to Cheryl’s…
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Kitchen Sink

Four days, a lot of talking, and a little perspective.

More than once in the last several days I’ve made reference to “stripping away the extra layers of bullshit.” I didn’t do it here because I wasn’t writing much, but I’ve said it more than once. I try not to swear often, but when you are emotional, there is no substitute for profanity. I left work early on Thursday. I called in absent on Friday. I spoke to no…
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ComputerKitchen Sink

A ray of sunshine.

It takes a small person to drag everyone else down when you’re feeling blue. Fortunately for my coworkers, I’m not a big person. Ah, but I shouldn’ worry too much, there’s always room for a little more bitter sarcasm. And speaking of bitter, yesterday I unveiled my treatise on software development in DOR. I sent it right to the top, cc ‘ing some of the folks in…
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Kitchen Sink


Today I submitted my first request to the “All Mighty Review Board” to create an office automation tool. It was quite a thrill. I don’t know about you but I rarely have such a sense of acheivement as when I submit a form. Ah, to think that I’ve brought another piece of paper into the world makes the bureaucrat in me glow. But set aside the sarcasm for a…
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Kitchen Sink

Trouble at work.

I am a tinkerer that had his license to tinker taken away, but I am not alone. What the hell am I talking about? I’m talking about using the tools available to us in the modern, computerized world. I’m talking about increasing efficiency through automation. I’m talking about one person’s attempts to make his office a more productive place and an administration with a policy…
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Kitchen Sink

Mission Accomplished, madness postponed.

Today my coding deficiencies were overcome and the freedom loving people of the world rejoiced! It was an Alleluia Chorus kind of moment. I walked over to the office laser printer and time slowed to a crawl. As the page began to emerge, face down, I reached for one corner and curled it upwards for a peek. MY GOD, IT LOOKS LIKE IT WORKS! I forcibly removed the page from the printer, clutched it in…
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