
The lure of stimulants, revisited

They say that the effects of alcohol are greater if it is consumed on an empty stomach. Does the same thing apply to caffeine consumption? If your day was really dragging, would you get more bang for your buck by taking your caffeine before you eat rather than after? Maybe it’s time for a little experiment. No control group for comparison? Heck, no ‘group’ to speak of, other than…
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Where’s your optimism when the glass is empty?

Oh don’t mind me; I’m just suffering through some garden variety fatigue. You see, yesterday I had a rough evening. There wasn’t anything special about it, just another night of the Lightning in the Stanley Cup Finals. Ho Hum. The score was really close through two periods, but that’s nothing new. I got about four and a half of my accustomed seven hours of sleep last night…
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“Welcome to Life Savings. How can I help you?” “Ah , yeah, I’d like to withdraw five years from my account.” “Five years? Let me just pull up your account. O.K., it appears you can cover it, but are you sure you want take out that much?” “Yeah, normally I don’t like to walk around with that much on me but I’ve been watching a lot of…
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Tooth ache

Aren’t you fortunate to have a portal into the nooks and crannies of my day to day life? It’s an honor, I’m sure. In any case, here’s one more minutiae: my tooth hurts. Carrying on in fine American tradition I have long put off taking advantage of western preventative dentistry, and now the piper must be paid. What vile organisms festering in my mouth have bored through…
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Finding salvation in a little plastic bottle

It would be so easy. My eyes want it so much. I could just let them close for a moment. Oh yeah, that’s it. Just for a few minutes. It feels so right to let them close. Every limb feels so heavy. Every movement seems to take three times the effort as normal. Can’t I just sit here and rest for a moment? Maybe doze off for a few moments? Even sitting up in a desk chair, sitting…
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Altered moods

Recent history has ushered in more than its share of mood altering drugs for children. However, kids and their moods are no exception. If you can name a disorder your local pharmacist can name a couple of cures in a bottle, with an optional safety cap. There is one mood altering drug that has been with us for centuries. I am talking about sugar. Who among the parents of the world have not sugared…
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My weekend regimen

First, place a soft pillow under your head. Next, rest your feet on something higher than your head. Gently lean back into the pillow and hold this position. Something may distract you but it is very important that you hold this position for as long as possible. For maximum results, make sure you have the following items handy before getting into position: laptop computer, television remote, a…
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Eat more salt!

If you should avoid salt when you suffer from high blood pressure, should you eat more salt if you have low blood pressure? Break out those saltines Cheryl! I may not be a doctor, but I’ve watched make believe doctors on TV. Seriously, please don’t take my word for it. If you think you suffer from low blood pressure, ask your physician if a high salt diet would be right for you! This…
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Gotta go.

Imagine a Friday afternoon. A young man is leaving his place of work on the last day of the work week. He is in a bit of a rush to get home because he is leaving an hour later than he would have liked. If he were honest, he would admit that he really wanted to put an end to the work day about eleven hours earlier – before the day really began. Anyway, he climbed onto the narrow saddle of his…
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