
Compare and Contrast

On evenings past I have stumbled around in the dark looking for a flashlight that mysteriously wasn’t there. On these dark, perilous journeys through veritable minefields of wheeled children’s toys, I have wondered if the addictive effect of a flashlight on a child is similar to the effect of heroine. Sure, there are a few kinks to work out… like the fact that testing the theory…
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AppleKitchen Sink

What about your iPod?

Flush with my success slaying the dreaded speaker buzz in my recently obtained piece of Apple lore, I decided to once again hack into my dead iPod. (NURSE! GET ME SOME WOOD, STAT!) If you are keeping score, this is case cracking number four (a rhyme I just could not ignore). Without going into too much detail, this near blind foray into the jungle of high tech involved: opening a case not meant to…
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AppleKitchen Sink

There’s always time for tinkering

I may be slaving away at work, but that’s no excuse for my trusty PowerBook to sit home alone, sleeping away the day in quiet oblivion. It’s here at the office with me, busily writing zeros to my (for the moment) resurrected iPod. Once it’s done with that it’s got a little reformatting to do… then a little matter of transferring eight gigabytes of data. Between you…
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Kitchen Sink

Diminishing Utility

Tell me this dear friend, what use is a do to list which is continuously added to but never subtracted from? Over the last couple of weeks, and extending through the next month, my office has a two to one work needed – work capable of being done ratio. Truth be told, it’s not quite that good. A more accurate description would be to say that we’ve got twice the work we used to…
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R.I.P. my bondi blue buddy

Yesterday marked the passing of my original, 1998 vintage, rev. B, bondi blue iMac. I was firing it back up to serve as a back up server, so I could bring the iBook off-line for some heavy duty servicing. Alas, my old buddy went down in an unspectacular snap, crackle and pop within thirty seconds of powering it up. It seems like it was only yesterday I was ankle tackling a fellow post-Thanksgiving…
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Hey, did someone mention coffee?

Drinking coffee is like riding a bike… the longer you go without the bigger kick in the pants you get when you start back up. (I’ll bet you didn’t see that analogy coming.) It goes without saying that the energy level at coffee drinking start up is inversely proportional to bike riding start up, but I hope you still get my point. (It’s a tolerance thing.) Today was my first…
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Kitchen Sink


Waiting room writing is a feature that is surely sorely missed on this site. Today’s entry comes to you courtesy of the hairdresser’s lobby. Yes, I am a man. Yes, I am at a hairdresser. Once relegated to the barbers of the world, today’s liberated man can confidently tend to his grooming needs side by side with his women folk. I am the very model of modern…
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Family and Friends

Beast of burden

Friends, today I wish to speak to you about unreasonable requests. I was speaking to my wife on the phone this morning about allergy skin testing, when I decided to change the subject. “Cheryl, I need to get going. I’m about to leave work early today… in about 10 minutes. I wanted to try and get the raking done before this weekend, and I’ve got that extra time built up from…
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Kitchen Sink

A fresh bout of insomnia

As it stands right now, as of this very moment, I could conceivably get five hours of sleep tonight. But that’s not gonna happen. I’ve got about as much chance going to sleep right now as I’ve got going outside and getting a sunburn. It’s a pity. I was just starting to hit my stride again. Now I’ll be lucky to make it through lunch fully conscious. It stands to reason…
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