
Late night with the speaker of the house

Except for the television displaying the static default “DVD VIDEO” picture, the room is dark. Well, that’s not exactly true, I shouldn’t forget the small amount of light my beloved PowerBook is producing. My month old son is sleeping peacefully about six feet to my left. My feet are stowed in their full, up most position. My son finished eating his last meal about two…
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Kitchen Sink

More words to live by

When you’re not feeling your best, do you crave a pick-me-up that you can sink your teeth into? Do you look for something that can raise your blood sugar as much as your spirits? Is frosted something more than a colorful way to describe your mood? If you are with me so far then you can appreciate the soothing value of a frosted brown sugar and cinnamon Pop-tart toaster pastry. My only beef…
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Current Events

A day like any other day, elections not withstanding

You know what? The sun rose this morning. The Earth continued on its orbit around the sun. There were cars on the street. People were going about their business. CNN, MSNBC, et al. were still broadcasting the news. My daughter got up and went to school. My son woke up early in the morning with his trademark “feed me” cry. I still love my wife as much as ever. Why then am I grasping at…
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Current Events

My acceptance speech, modest delusions of grandeur, and a pinch of doom and gloom

Well folks, it’s been a long night. Like many of the other candidates for elected office this evening, I’ve been sitting by the television sweating out the election results. But, after a long evening, after months of work and countless hours of effort, victory is mine. By a unanimous 1-0 vote (mine ultimately being the only vote that counts), I have won another term as speaker of the…
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Kitchen Sink

Give me one good reason why

Today, more than ever, we rely on technology to sit atop the food chain, masters of our domain. We use computers to manage huge amounts of information. We use complex machinery to automate factories and mass produce everything from disposable plastic spoons, to the computers that manage the machines that make the disposable plastic spoons. We genetically engineer papayas to make them more virus…
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Family and Friends

Hark! A critter stirs in the nursery!

There are times when my son makes the most unusual noises. When they say that all children are different, I would assume they all at least sound like mammals. You see, there is a time of night when Adam wakes from his newborn slumber. He’s not upset, well not exactly. He sounds like he’s trying to pull a grunt out of his arsenal of noises, but what comes out of his mouth instead sounds…
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Kitchen Sink

The following entry contains no artificial sweeteners

I began to conceive this entry while sitting in an awkward position. You see, I’m not really good at being the center of attention – and I found myself the guest of honor of a most unlikely celebration for the male of the species: a baby shower. It had been a surreal day to begin with. I was suffering from sleep deprivation due to a late night, acute release of emotion. Yes, I’m…
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Current Events

Sweet irony

This political season is much like other political seasons; the hacks are out in full force repeating the sound bites like dolls with pull strings. My favorite is the line about government run health care, shortages, and rationing. While there is a rational explanation, and it is only one isolated example, I think it is just precious that the industrialized world’s most free market driven…
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Current EventsSports

No Alex? No Nomar? No problem.

The other day I was talking with a coworker about how I always manage to get on the wrong end of a rivalry, or in other words, the only team that saw it as a rivalry. Dunedin High School versus Clearwater (basketball and football), UF versus FSU (the last fifteen years or so in football), Red Sox versus Yankees, Rays versus, well, I guess we don’t really have a rival there, but you see the…
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