
Is it just me?

Do you ever have those days when your fuse is short, your patience is thinner than a sheet of tracing paper, the world is conspiring against you, and your fingers are numb from taking it all out on your keyboard? Have you ever arrived at this point without knowing why you need catharsis more than Pat Robertson stuck at a gay pride rally? Deep, cleansing breath, Yo, word. (If pressed, the author…
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Family and Friends

Fah real, yo?

This morning someone approached me and asked if Cheryl was hanging in there. I laughed. Why? I was immediately struck by the very real image of an ever more spacious womb. So I said the first thing that came to mind. “She’s hanging, but it isn’t in.” O.K., so it wasn’t the perfect thing to say in the coffee line at church. I got the heretofore expected blank stare, so…
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This is your stomach calling

Two bagels with margarine, a glass of fruit punch flavored Gatorade, a Twix candy bar, and a Walgreen’s caffeine supplement? You call that breakfast? I’m not completely helpless down here you know. You’re going to start getting this breakfast thing right or there’s going to be hell to pay. What, you need some convincing? Don’t make me come back up there. You keep…
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Oh come on Jane!

Picture a large room with a heavy duty anchor in middle of the ceiling, a five foot long net hanging from this single anchor, and a new piece of furniture off to one side. How long do you suppose it would take a seven year old child to figure out this new piece of furniture would make a good launching point for a wicked cool Tarzan swing? If you were the mother of this child, would you be angry if…
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AppleGoing for Broke

iPod*, you Pod, we all should Pod

Wouldn’t the world be a happier place if everyone could listen to music, good music, where ever we went? Just think, no one would be left at the mercy of waiting room muzak again. Personally, I break out in a cold sweat just thinking about the veneer of calm that elevator muzak represents. “Why do I need to be calm? IS THERE SOMETHING WRONG? IS THAT THE CABLE BREAKING?!?” Stand…
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Current Events

The cozy confines of my liberal bias

These figures come to you courtesy of the Associated Press (7/20/2004), – 890 American military personnel have died in Iraq since March 2003, when military operations began. – 752 American military personnel have died in Iraq since “combat operations” ended on May 1, 2003. — I hear that the current administration is now interested in pursuing a possible…
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Family and Friends

About the laundry

Yesterday morning my wife asked me to do some laundry. “Cheryl? The sum total of whites in the hamper equals six. That’s four socks and two shirts. Are you sure you want that done?” To make a long response short, she answered in the affirmative. Sometime later, she asked if I had made any progress with the laundry. “Cheryl, there were only six things to wash. I think I can…
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Kitchen Sink

A legend in his own seat

Who among us hasn’t dreamed that they would publish a personal web site and attract dozens of visitors from all over the county? Yes, it’s a dream come true. Why just the other day I checked my server log and found that an unprecedented sixty (60) requests had been processed by my server for my little guideline spreadsheet. If each one of those requests represents an individual, then…
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Kitchen Sink

Flying without a spell checker

By the time I post this entry, it will be Saturday. Why? Because it’s about four ’til midnight right now. What is the significance of all this? Nothing really. Just thought I would get in a few more minutes of self amusement before the day ended. Two minutes to go. Boy am I a slow typist. “So, how many words per minute do you type?” Good thing that doesn’t come up in…
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AppleComputerGoing for Broke


It had to happen. The law of averages states that if you have too many outliers in one direction, something is bound to come along to balance the books. I just didn’t expect the hammer to fall on my poor, unexpecting iBook. It turns out my computer didn’t have The Qualifying Logic Board Problem after all. What does this mean? It means that it would cost around $400 dollars to fix.
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