
Why do I hate thee, DST? How about I tell you

What was good for 1918 isn’t necessarily so great 90 years later. Contrary to common wisdom, some studies show it causes an increase in energy consumption (especially for us poor folk down south) – partly because of a little thing called air conditioning. How often does common wisdom lead us astray? Shifting high noon to lower noon is just asking for trouble. We have nothing to fear…
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Digging for pain and finding a vein

Whining about your dentist is a blogging stapple. Lucky for you, I’m pro-staple. “Are you ok?” This is the great rhetorical dental question of our time. I love it. No offense to any women dentists out there, but this is the point in the post where I pretend to be something I’m not, and slip into the vernacular of the “real man.” I love it because I think it…
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Six months of billing futility, revisited

Something about that call isn’t sitting right with me. I finally got through to my insurance company, only to be told the problem: “we’re getting bills.” Now, as some poor shmuck with little more than a family and a mailbox, this sounds like something perfectly resonable to say… if it was born of my lips. As my insurance company – whose sole purpose in the…
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It's the little surprises that make all the difference

“Ah… Mr Kauffman? Your insurance company hasn’t paid us since your August visit. You might want to call them.” That was the office staff at one of my many doctors’ offices. We’re pretty tight, seeing as how I’ve been there a lot since August. I might want to call them? Does this imply I might not want to call them… that I might just want to pay the…
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Family and Friends

Fun with labels

I was picking up Adam from my in-laws’ place after work last week, and Adam had a little picture they gave him. It was a picture depicting Jesus and Mary. “Do you have your picture Adam?” my mother-in-law asked as we were leaving. “Yes Memere,” (that French-Canadian thing again) Adam replied. Later, as we were backing down the driveway, Adam asked, “why does…
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Irresistible forces

Once again it’s cookie season. It’s that time when a clandestine organization spreads out, from sea to shining sea, bringing seemingly innocuous treats to the masses. The organization, code name: “The Girl Scouts,” prey on an unsuspecting public with sweet faces and sweet treats. But there’s a dark side to their mission: addiction and control. You see, they may seem…
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Keyboards, revisited

A while back I questioned the wisdom of the redesigned Apple keyboard, shipping with the (then and now) new iMacs. The Aluminum Apple Pro Keyboard If you’ve been with me for a few years and you’ve got a keen mind (allowing you to remember the most pedestrian of posts from a mediocre blogger) you may recall this post – post chemotherapy. Well since then Apple has gone all…
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Family and FriendsTravel

Back to Disney

Another Friday of fatigue. Another drive to Orlando. Another day in the world that Walt built. My sister called on Thursday to warn us about the epidemic of colds working its way through the house. The implied message: “John comes at his own risk.” But when have I ever given in to good sense? We hit the parks with my standard equipment: a big floppy hat, sunglasses, my Nikon, and my…
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Family and Friends

Prejudice's price

Franklin Conner, my maternal grandfather’s brother, was an outgoing, generous man. However, one night he was supposed to meet some of his family for dinner but he never showed up. While they were waiting for him he killed himself. I learned the story of my great uncle Franklin doing genealogy research. Recently I traded emails with my grandfather’s (and Franklin’s) half sister…
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When cells divide

My doctor says she found cancerous white blood cells floating around my body again. They appeared in a blood smear done back in August. She doesn’t plan to treat it until certain symptoms appear – which based on the slow, chronic nature of my disease, could still be a while. I was symptom free in August (besides the hairy traitors showing themselves in my blood), and I’m symptom…
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