The Sunshine State

We like Florida, really

I went a little shutter crazy this spring, snapping lots of shots of wonderfully sweet citrus blossoms and gardenias. It’s hard for me to like much about Florida in July (or August, September…), but looking through these pictures the other day reminded me there’s more to Florida than heat and humidity. I hear gardenias are supposed to be hard to grow, but they’ve been…
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Easily pleased

To gain the proper perspective, imagine I wrote this post two months ago (on a Thursday). I assure you it’s purely hypothetical. I was a victim of my own folly. Don’t you hate it when that happens? Don’t tell me it doesn’t. I’ll turn this post around right now and take us back home! Anyway, back to me. There are a few medications I take to prevent illness. When I…
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Already heard the ads

Newsvine / AP: Health care is returning as a campaign issue, with special interest and advocacy groups preparing to spend at least $60 million to push politicians to embrace universal access to medical coverage. I’d like to believe this will be an issue this fall, but I have to think it’s a distant third on most people’s list behind the economy and war. If I could choose…
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Important Stuff


Climate Progress: Independence Day may be the best day to ask ourselves — what is the greatest, preventable threat to Americans’ life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness (LLPH)… Between Homeland Security and the Pentagon, we spend billions of dollars every month to try to prevent terrorism… But unrestricted greenhouse gas emissions are by far the greatest preventable threat to…
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Current EventsSoapbox

Gun nuts on the vine

There was an interesting AP story about gun related deaths earlier this week. It mentioned the percentage of gun deaths due to suicide: around fifty percent (of those states that keep such statistics – which seems to imply not all of them do), and it’s implications. I thought it was interesting stuff, but I would have left it at that if I hadn’t seen the comments made by other…
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Family and Friends

The trap

Most of you are familiar with the concept of a trap. It’s generally someplace you don’t want to be. If you are there’s often no way out… or if there is, it involves pain. I’ll draw a picture for you in fifteen words or less. “John, why didn’t you have Adam do his homework when you got home?” Point of clarification: Adam was in bed and the assignment…
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