
Is it ever enough?

Now that Iowa and New Hampshire have had their say, it seems to me they’ve cancelled each other out. The Democratic front runners are still the co-front runners, Romney got his “silvers,” and the Iowa Republicans made their typical wing-nut choice, who’ll hopefully go away now, with his hard earned footnote to history in hand. (Although it didn’t work out so well last…
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Hillary Clinton is not my first choice in the Democratic primaries. I don’t have strong feelings about her like many do, but my preferences lie elsewhere. Still, coming back from a ten point deficit in the polls? In a couple days? That’s crazy talk. My wife still has family in New Hampshire, and if you’re out there reading right now, I’ve gotta ask: what’s the deal?
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Thank God we don't have carpet anymore

If you’ve got kids, chances are you know all about different kinds of flooring and their carrying capacity for fluids. My fellow parents know all about carpeting, and it’s uncanny ability to absorb. As some of you know, Beth had her share of health problems as a baby, and it led to a fair amount of clean up. It was one of the big reasons we pulled out our carpet. Hey, don’t…
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Kitchen Sink

My small contribution

Today was the unveiling of my latest little child support guideline spreadsheet. It’s the day I finally get around to setting it up with the new Federal Withholding formulas for the new tax year and contact the folks on my mailing list. In a few hours my server logs will show a blip of activity. Tomorrow a handful people out there will change the way they work (no not really, but I’m…
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BethFamily and Friends

Another great weekend

In some ways I wish I had something bad to tell you, so I wouldn’t have to worry about balance taking a whack at me later this week. As it stands, I’m a little afraid about court tomorrow. Something really bad is bound to happen. Saturday we went down to Ft Desoto. I can’t believe Adam’s three and we’ve never taken him. The kids liked the fort (what there is of it…
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What I wanted to say today in person

(Based on a conversation I couldn’t help but overhear today.) Not voting is a choice… a kind of vote itself. It’s a vote to take whatever you’re given. It’s a vote to give up one of your rights. It’s a vote to abdicate your responsibility. It’s a vote to give up permission to complain. It’s a vote to enable money and corruption. It’s a vote to…
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The Sunshine State

Now where was I?

I was about to sit down to some serious writing before I was so rudely interupted by a software bug. Ah yes, I was going to tell you everything you never wanted to know. Actually, tonight’s post is inspired by the weather. You see, every time it gets really cold out I think about New England. I shouldn’t, because I haven’t lived there for… jeez, I’m fresh out of…
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I saw the funniest alert when I launched an application on my Mac this evening. It was telling me that a new version of the software was available. No, that’s not the part that was funny. It seemed like I’d just clicked the “remind me later” button, when I noticed one of the bug fixes: Fix a bug that caused “remind me later” software updates to appear too…
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The Sunshine StateTravel

Life isn't just a beach

The number of pictures I take at the beach is as much a function of proximity as anything else. It’s not that I don’t enjoy doing anything else; quite the contrary. In fact, some of the best times I’ve had outdoors have been at some of our state parks that are miles from the nearest beach. Some of you have probably had enough of me gushing over our camping trips at Gold Head…
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