Kitchen Sink

Futbol en espanol

The only channel playing the Gold Cup match between the US men’s National Team and Jamaica was Telefutura, the local Spanish language channel. Man! I couldn’t help but get excited. I didn’t have a clue what they’re saying, until, GOAL! GOAL! GOAL! GOAL! GOAL! GOAL! GOAL! GOAL! GOAL! GOAL! GOAL! GOAL! GOAL! GOAL! GOAL! GOAL! GOAL! GOAL! I didn’t even start counting…
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Kitchen Sink

What we have here is a failure to translate

As it turns out “pathos” is not a Greek word for disease. I had a delightfully witty opening for this entry, all built on a faulty assumption. Drat! Any-hoo, this entry must go on. The scarcity of entries this past week can be blamed on my irrational preoccupation with a project for the office, and a week long training session that I’d tell you about, but I’m worried it…
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Kitchen Sink

If someone asks a question in the woods and no one is there to hear it, do you have to answer?

I feel pretty inadequate when I see sites that look cooler than mine, so you could expect that I feel pretty low just about every time I browse the internet. One thing has kept me going, my agency’s internal site design was really lame. Notice the strategic use of the past tense? Sure, the folks in my department may be underpaid civil servants, but they get paid to design a web site. Me?
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Kitchen Sink

Good times

I had lunch with a friend I had not seen in a couple of years today. That, by its self, made today a pretty cool day. I also got to spend the workday hanging around a couple of people I really enjoy talking too. It may be the ingredients for an overly productive workday, but it makes for a really nice day. Now that I’ve filled my quota for saccharine this week, tomorrow we’ll return to…
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Kitchen Sink

Day number 12,322

It’s these kinds of things that keep me busy when “the system” is down at work. In Excel, enter today’s date in one cell, your birth date in another cell, and a formula that calculates the difference in a third cell. WA LA! Your age, calculated in days. If only I knew what time I was born, I could be a little more precise. Good thing the internet connection is still up…
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Kitchen Sink

Random pieces of metal and plastic

I am constantly finding odd shaped pieces material lying around. Often, I have no idea where they came from. The most insidious of these objects fall in that grey area between vital cog and piece of scrap. At first glance (and the second and third), I can neither tell where they belong or how important they may be. (The art of determining a mystery object’s likely value is something I…
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Kitchen Sink

The great cough-drop debate

In my book it is written: “no menthol-less cough drop shall come before me.” Come on, it’s the menthol that makes it go, I dare you to say it isn’t so! I was sitting in my office, my throat in perfect operating condition, when I decided I wanted some menthol. Release the Halls! Nay, instead I got a poor, sugared up substitute. I got a luden’s. Don’t get me…
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Kitchen Sink

Even more info that’s vital to the survival of the species

As a general rule, metal is a better conductor than cloth woven from natural fibers. Heck, I’ll go out on a limb and wager that metals tend to be better conductors than many man-made substances found in clothing. As a general rule, I shouldn’t wager too much based on my knowledge of the “physical sciences” – as it extends only so far as you can throw a Florida public…
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Kitchen Sink

There is a great disturbance in the force, young web author

It is day eight of the ninth coming of Star Wars, and I have yet to step foot in a theater. What’s worse? I have yet to make firm plans to do so. What’s even worse than that? I haven’t even thought about it that much. No, I didn’t wake from a week long coma this morning, kidnappers did not cede to anyone’s ransom offer, and aliens didn’t just finish their tests.
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